Chapter 2

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The muscular man snapped his head up, his brown eyes were cold, causing the warrior to bow slightly. Odysseus motioned for his beta to walk in, once the door was closed, the beta released a breath. He had no idea what to tell him, it was always the same thing, but now it was different. He knew this information would either rip his alpha apart or cause him to attack the rogue. 

"We have information on...Valentina." the beta spoke softly. 

Odysseus nodded, "Continue."

"Her father...he abuses her." 

"How do you know this?"

"We caught a wondering rogue...she's older...she shouldn't have been alone." 

Odysseus frowned, "An Elder wondering the forest alone? Even rogues don't allow them to, this is odd."

"She begged us to let her go, so she could return before Shamus notices her missing." the beta replied.

"No. He'll smell the pack's scent on her, he'll kill her immediately. I know Shamus, he's extremely desperate to keep his dirty little secrets hidden." Odysseus growled. "Find her a room in the Elder hall." 

"Yes, Alpha." 

Once he was alone again, he ran his hand through his hair. He pushed himself off of his chair, his eyes studied part of his territory from his office window. The setting sun sent a red/pink glow across the tops of the pine trees, the dozing sun shined through the forest's branches. Every day he found himself staring out at the forest, hoping, praying he would see her running towards the packhouse. Pleading for him to take her back, to accept her as his mate. He shook his head and walked out of his office, he knew that would never happen. He killed the girl's mother, right in front of her, how could she learn to love him? 

He made his way to the Elder hall, he wanted to meet this older woman. It was unusual to come across an Elder rogue, they usually stay within the camp site. He hummed a random tune, his hands were shoved into his pockets and his eyes scanned the packhouse. Packmembers hurried about, talking and laughing. He used to be like them, he used to always see the happiness that life could bring. Once his family was murdered, he could no longer find that small light, he could never feel happy. 

His heart felt heavy as he remembered that night, the night he met his stunning mate. His last chance at finding happiness had run away from him, he didn't hold her heart, he only held her hatred. He was supposed to return with her, he was supposed to love her, to teach her how to be a Luna. Yet, he lost her, all because of his sick pleasure in killing innocent rogues. Even since that awful night, he hadn't touched a single rogue. His warriors were forbidden to torture them, instead, he held a trial fro them. He would find their previous Alphas and ask questions, if they were innocent, they had the choice to stay or leave. However, if they were guilty, they were executed the following day. Quickly, of course. 

He stopped before a door, an unknown scent surrounded it, telling him that the rogue was staying in this room. He knocked on the door, knowing the older wolf wouldn't appreciate him just barging in. The door slowly opened to reveal a short, older woman. Her blue eyes were bright with wisdom and hope, she studied him for a moment, she then nodded.

"She certainly got lucky." she grinned.

He frowned, "Excuse me?"

"Come in." 

He hesitated a little before stepping into the room, the elder closed the door and sighed. "Val, she's a very lucky young woman." the elder continued. "She just doesn't know it yet."

"How so?" he mused.

"That girl has a very dark heart, one that has been pumping blood through her darkest of years. She used to be such a silly pup, she found joy in almost everything." she sighed sadly.

Odysseus sat down on the floor like a child, "Tell me about her."

The woman smiled softly before sitting in the rocking chair, "She used to be a spirited girl, she would always talk to every member of our...pack, I guess you can say. She was obedient, humble, happy, and just the light in everyone's eyes. Her parents loved her, her mother wasn't even supposed to have her. Our healer told us she would most likely have a miscarriage, considering she was so thin. However, her mother made sure she gained the weight. When she gave birth, Shamus was incredibly protective over her."

Odysseus scoffed at this, "Yet, he's abusing her."

The older woman scowled at him, "Tell me, boy, do you know Shamus? Personally, that is."


"Exactly. He was never like this, actually, Valentina is a lot like him. When he was younger and happy, he was always making sure he talked to everyone. He wanted everyone in our group to feel loved and cared for, hence the reason he became the new leader once his father passed away." the woman explained.

"And do you know him personally?" Odysseus asked, his curiosity getting the best of him. "More than just being his packmember. How do you know him?" 

The woman smiled sadly, "I'm his mother."

A/N: No, Valentina and Odysseus won't meet up for a bit. 

So...I'm debating on whether or not, if I should go back and forth between Valentina's part and Odysseus'. I've read published books that did this and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

However, it's up to you guys. What do you want me to do?

Please, comment!

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