Chapter 16

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"So...does this mean I'm forgiven?" Odysseus questioned.

Valentina frowned at him, "No."


"You had sex with another girl, when you knew I was in the same house. I know I pushed you away, but..." she sighed. "It still hurts."

"Well, having your mate try to kill you certainly hurts, but you don't see me complaining." he mumbled.

She remained silent as tears threatened to spill, a day has passed since then and Odysseus hasn't stopped clawing himself. Whenever she leaves his side to use the bathroom or get changed, he ends up screaming from the pain. She now has to sleep in the same room as him, just so he wouldn't harm himself during the night. He had tried telling her to sleep in the bed and he would sleep on the floor, but she refused. Claiming that the floor would only cause him more pain, considering his wounds are still healing. She regretted doing this, but it was too late to go and change time. Now, she had to make sure he lived through this. He only had three more days before he was considered safe.

"Hey, I didn't mean to make you cry." he said softly, trying to sit up.

She watched him, still not noticing the silent tears rolling down her cheeks. "Don't. You'll reopen your wounds," she warned.

He stopped, "I don't understand you."

The ghost of a smile showed on her face, "Nobody does."

"You claim you hate someone, but...your actions betray your words."

She bit her lip as she played with a page from the book she was reading, "I know."

"How come?"

She was silent for a moment, "Just like you said, I'm like my father. He used to be the same way."

"I'm sorry for saying th-

"It's fine, I needed to hear it. My grandmother told me the same thing. I am just like him, I can't help it. I have inner demons that you don't want to be any part of." she whispered, looking up at him.

He frowned, "If dealing with your inner demons mean being with you, I want to be part of that."

She stared at him in disbelief before tearing her gaze away. "You want to know why I had multiple boyfriends?"

"Um...I guess."

"I wanted to be loved by someone again. Since my mother's death, I didn't know what love felt like. My grandmother gave me the motherly love that I needed, but I still felt empty. I figured, having a boyfriend would fix that. It didn't. They never made me happy." she murmured.

"You're the only one that can." she thought silently. "But I fucked up. Big time."

"I don't see how they didn't love you," he commented.

She looked at him, "What?"

He smiled softly, "You're a rude idiot half the time, but you're my rude idiot. If it takes months for you to forgive me and trust me, then so be it. We both made terrible mistakes, but we shouldn't dwell on the past. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Those guys had to be completely blind to not see your beauty. They had to be deaf if your voice wasn't music to their ears. Even when you are screaming hateful still take my breath away."

Her heart hammered against her chest as she stared at him in shock. She could feel her cheeks heating up from her blush and her breathing become uneven. More tears ran down her face, Odysseus smiled before gently wiping them away with his thumb.

"Never forget that." he whispered, kissing her on the forehead.

She laughed nervously, "You're the idiot here."

"How so?"

"You're falling for me. You have to be insane to love me."

He smirked, "Baby girl, I'm already insane. I'm in love with you, nothing will change that. I fell for your crazy ass."

She sighed, "I'm scared."

"I know. How about we start over?" he asked, smiling. "We can be friends, but we can't date anyone or any of that business. The thought of having another girl touch me now makes me wince."

"But what if you lust for someone?"

"I'm part human, it's natural for me to lust after someone. You'll lust after another guy, but none of those girls are what I love. Love feels way better than lust." he smirked.

She frowned, "So...that girl..."

"Actually ended up getting in huge trouble with her sister. You'll love her older sister, she's my lead female warrior. But no, I do not love her. To be honest, I didn't really know her. Which makes this even worse." he mumbled.

She sighed, "I didn't really know those guys, but I still allowed them to touch me where only you should be touching. We both did things we're not proud of, huh?"

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, "There is one thing I'm proud of...that you may hate."


"Kidnapping you was the best decision I made."

She was quiet once more, he froze when she kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For helping me."

He frowned, "Helping you?"

"Even though I don't want to admit it, I...I'm glad I'm away from my father. He hurt me more than anyone else."

A/N: No, they won't be a couple. That little kiss was her thanks to him, that's all she could give him.

Also, if you can't stand her not leaving because he cheated, then you can stop reading. Lust is hard to ignore, once you feel something like he felt, your common sense is gone. Pleasure and lust combined can make even the most faithful man/woman, do some stupid shit. It happens. Now, if the boy or girlfriend cheat multiple times, then you should probably leave them. Make them grovel at your feet and prove to you they've changed.

But your relationship will NEVER grow if you hold grudges or refuse to talk. I've seen relationships fail because they focus on the past way too much. The past can hurt, are you going to ever heal if you stay in it?

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