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He tore through the rogues, basking in the scent of blood and death. His muzzle was coated with his enemies' blood, his teeth stained with the crimson liquid. Around him, his warriors all reveled in the feel of power and fear. Rogues were scattered around, some dead and some alive. His paws were soaked, but not with water, with the blood from their open throats. Even though he watched them all suffer, it did nothing to tame his aching heart. It didn't help him fill that hole, the one they had created when they had taken his family from him. He could remember their screams, the way his younger sister was killed, along with their parents. He closed his eyes, once the thought was shoved away, he reopened them. He let out a howl of victory, even though he didn't feel like a winner. 

At the cracking of a stick, he stopped howling and moved his attention to the shadows. He narrowed his eyes, the white of a dress shined in the moonlight, as if it were glowing. He bared his teeth, with a grace unknown to others, he lunged at the sight. His teeth met flesh as a scream echoed throughout the forest. 


He looked up as a female sprinted towards him, there was no fear in her eyes, only desperation. Her scent engulfed him, surrounding him, helping him to relax. For the first time in many years, his heart skipped a beat from excitement. This female was his mate, the one who will bear his children and help lead his pack. 


He watched as she knelt beside the gasping woman, the woman's eyes landed on the young she-wolf. Through her pain, she smiled, her hand gently caressed her daughter's cheek. Tears of sorrow leaked from the young girl's eyes, quietly landing on the woman's bloodied chest. 

"S-stay safe, I-I love you." the woman whispered as she closed her eyes. 

The girl grabbed her mother's hand and sobbed loudly, beside her, the large wolf stood frozen. He shifted his gaze to limp body on the ground, the woman's white dress was now stained with her blood. Slowly, the young girl looked up at him with eyes full of hatred. When they made eye contact, it only confirmed what he had already known.

"Reject me." the girl suddenly demanded.

He stared at her in shock, he whined a little as he took a step forward. The girl immediately bared her canines at him. "Reject me!" she screamed.

He shook his head slightly, pain sliced through his heart. He whined again, trying to apologize for the horrible act he had done. Nails turned to claws as she clawed his face, his own blood soaked the fur on his cheek and around his eye. The guilt was suddenly drowned in anger, his wolf growled at the disrespect. 

"Reject. Me." the girl ordered.

He shifted back, he didn't care he was naked before his mate, he was determined to teach her lesson. However, she didn't seem to care when he took a threatening step towards her. Instead, she stood up, she held her chin up with defiance. Her black eyes challenging him as she stared into his. 

"No." he growled.

She clenched her jaw, "I don't want a monster as my mate. Reject me or I will reject you." 

"You think I'll care?" he snarled.

"No. I'd rather you move on with some other woman and leave me alone. I don't need you in my life, you've just made everything worse for me." 

He glanced at her deceased mother, that guilt began to claw at him once more. "I'm sorry..." he whispered.

"Sorry." she scoffed. "No, you're not. Alphas like you are never sorry." 

Anger coursed through his veins, his wolf growled at the tone of his mate. Whether she is to be his future Luna or not, she still should respect him.

"Fine." he stated. "I, Odysseus Marcus Ronan, reject you..."  

She swallowed, "Valentina Kelcie Lace."

"I, Odysseus Marcus Ronan, reject you, Valentina Kelcie Lace as my mate and Luna." he stated. "I don't want nor need a pathetic piece of shit like you." 

She smirked, "Glad we've come to an agreement, I, for one, would never imagine this. Being mates with a worthless Alpha, one who enjoys killing innocents. Hoping to get revenge for a family that he barely remembers."

The low blow sliced through his heart as he glared at her, "I'm the worthless one? You're a rogue, Valentina. You matter to no one, not even me. I, for one, could never see myself loving you," he snarled. 

She chuckled, "You think your rejection is going to hurt me? News flash, if I don't care, it won't hurt. And sorry babe, but I don't care nor love you. I could never love an Alpha, such as yourself."

She didn't stick around any longer, with one last glance at her mother, she shifted and ran off. He had only caught a glimpse of her wolf, but not enough to see what color she truly was. He stood there for a few more seconds until a light grey wolf walked up behind him, the wolf's yellow eyes were filled with pain.

They lost their future Luna. 

Not to death. Something much worse.


A/N: So...what do you think so far?

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