Chapter 4

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Odysseus frowned, "So...Shamus isn't the bad guy?"

The older woman sighed, "He sort of is, sort of isn't. You see, some wolves can handle the deaths of their mates. I, for one, handled Lincoln's death well. Sure, I loved him, goddess, I loved him more than anything. He was my mate, my one true love, he treated me like a queen every single day. However, I knew that I had to keep on living, Lincoln would have wanted that. I couldn't just turn feral and abandon my only child, to leave him to those feral rogues." she explained.

"But Shamus....he didn't handle his mate's death well. Trust me, the last thing Shamus would have wanted to do is hurt his daughter. He loved her so much, he was extremely protective over her, considering they almost lost her. But then Clarissa died and...he lost it. That night he had mourned with his daughter, but two days later, he gave into his wolf. He turned feral, he didn't want to feel the pain anymore. The heartbreak."

"Could we bring Shamus back from that?" Odysseus asked curiously. 

"Yes, but it includes chaining him in a cell and injecting wolfsbane into him. Just enough to bring back the real Shamus, to get him to understand that Valentina needs her father. I highly suggest not capturing my son though, he's of Alpha blood...royal Alpha blood." 

Odysseus gaped at her, "So, you're telling me...Shamus is a Royal?"

"Yes, Lincoln was the last Royal, he decided not to become king though. Instead, he created the council and then disappeared. Lived his life as a rogue, with me and our son." she confirmed. 

"This is all too confusing."

She chuckled, "I know it is, but it's a lot of information to take in all at once." 

"So, let me get this straight, Lincoln was the last Royal that we've heard myths about?"


"And Shamus is his son and Valentina's father?"


"Shamus couldn't handle the heartbreak of losing his mate so, he went feral, to stop the pain?"


Odysseus nodded, "I think I understand this now. But wouldn't Shamus' wolf feel protective over his pup?" 

"He would...if he didn't blame her for Clarissa's death. She returned to us, covered in her mother's blood. Shamus' wolf assumed the worst and once his wolf got control..." she trailed off.

"I made her life worse...that's what she meant." he suddenly whispered. "I caused all of this."

"Yes, you did. You were a fool for murdering an innocent woman like Clarissa." 

"Thanks, you're making me feel better about this."

The older woman shrugged, "I'm not going to lie and tell you it's fine, it's not. You caused your mate to go through this, but...Clarissa shouldn't have gone out that night. I wish Valentina hadn't followed her." 

"Why did Clarissa go out that night?" Odysseus questioned.

"She got into an argument with Shamus, she wanted another baby, but Shamus didn't. He was worried about her, the doctor told him her body just isn't meant to handle having multiple pregnancies. It's odd, but it does happen." she sighed sadly. 

"I've never met he...strong?"

"What do you think? I'm telling you to stay away from my son because I don't want him to kill you. Valentina may hate you, but if her father kills her mate...she'll never forgive him."

Anger flared in Odysseus' chest, "And you think she'll forgive him now? He abuses her!"

"But Shamus isn't in control!" she snarled. "His wolf is, the day his wolf gives control to Shamus is the day we'll see the real Shamus."

Tears were now streaming down her face as she looked away, "I'm both hoping for that day and dreading it...he...once he sees what he has done to his's going to truly break him." 

Odysseus paced his office, his mind was reeling with ways to capture his mate. He knew she would forever hate him, but if he could get her away from her abusive father, it would be worth it. He growled and punched the wall, all he has ever wanted was for his life to go somewhat perfect. He was beyond frustrated with all the bad luck he was having, no matter what he did, he always screwed his life up even more. Now, because of him being impulsive, his mate loathed him and was being abused. 

"You know, punching the wall won't help your issues."

He sighed as he turned to face his beta, "What do you want?" he grumbled.

His beta frowned, "Marcus and Irene spotted our Luna last night. She was searching for someone, most likely her grandmother, she was quite hostile."

"Well, we shouldn't be surprised. She's a rogue, they're pack wolves, they're what she was taught to hate." Odysseus replied.

"True, but...isn't there supposed to be a connection with us? She's our Luna." 

"Not until we fully mate, which probably won't happen for a very long time. That woman hates me, I mean, I killed her mother for crying out loud!" he exclaimed. "I caused her father to go feral, I caused her to be abused." 

"Come on, I'm sure you didn't mean to-

"I meant to." Odysseus growled lowly. "I meant to kill her mother, but...I didn't at the same time." 

His beta sighed, "You were young, Odysseus, you were impulsive. As most young Alphas are." 

"That's still not an excuse...I'm a murderer. I've killed thousands of innocent lives." 

His beta remained silent as Odysseus drowned in his guilt, he knew not to bother his alpha when he was upset. So, he took a seat and patiently waited for Odysseus to calm down, so he could focus on getting his mate. 

An hour passed before Odysseus was finally focused again, he released a breath before turning around. He leaned against his desk with his arms folded across his chest. 

"We'll take her at night." 

A/N: I'm terribly sorry if this sucks, I'm tired lol. 

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