Let's get one thing straight

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I am tired of readers whining on my newer stories about it being too slow or repetitive. That is getting old.

Guys, this story is NOT about Shamus. Yes, he does play a part and will be appearing soon, but that can't just happen out of nowhere. If a character doesn't play an important role, then they won't be in the story as much. Where in the summary did it say anything about Shamus playing a huge part? He's NOT the villian, I told you this before. I foreshadowed who the villian is.

The villian will also make an appearance soon. Be patient.

Valentina was abused and hated for most of her life. She's going to be insecure and guilty. She almost killed her mate. I can't just make her happy out of nowhere. Things like this take time, if I skipped all of this, then it would be rushed.

Each chapter is a day in this story. The next chapter is day 3 of her helping him live through the spell.

Also, they're forming a bond. Again, that can't happen out of nowhere either. It would be rushed.

If you don't like me taking my time with my story, making sure I don't rush it so it'll confuse my readers, then stop reading.

Go read a beginner's book which is filled with grammar errors, rushed, and has a sloppy plot. I have books like that.

My Cold Alpha



Go and read those.

Grow up. This is how stories are supposed to be. I've worked my ass off to better my writing and having a whining child comment about it not going their way pisses me off.

Apparently, with how many people whine about my stories, there are many 5 year olds on here.

I'm not rushing this story so a few  readers can be happy.

Guess what, baby?

I'm the AUTHOR.

it's  MY STORY.

I will write it how I WANT.

YOU can grow up and find a different book.

Again, read my first ones. If you don't like books that aren't rushed, then my sloppy ones are for you.

Other than that...

Leave me alone. Or write your own damn story.

This one is #68 in werewolf. Tell me, do you have a better story? :)

I'm not trying to brag, that's honestly the truth. My book is moving up in the ranks while you're not writing and just complaining.

Not trying to be a bitch. But enough is enough.


I'm not saying you can't have an opinion either. You can, but just say it nicely. I know not everyone will like my book, I understand that. But is it really too hard to say it nicely? I'm human too, guys. I have feelings.

If you say something offensive or say it in a way I take it offensively, then don't be surprised when I come back a bitch. You're rude to me, I'm rude back.

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