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Both Alder and I shouted as our pokemon clashed, Serperior slammed her tail into Escavalier while he sliced into her with his lances each of the attacks knocking both pokemon to the ground, creating craters that they laid unconscious in, after returning Serperior to her pokeball I did some stretches and prepared for the most important battle, the one that most likely would decide it all for me. 

"The Champion Alder and the challenger Jade both only have one pokemon left, neither have revealed this pokemon to the battle so each will becoming in with full energy. How will this battle turn out?" One of the commentators stated and I smirked as I grabbed onto Lucario's pokeball, the reflection coming from his pokeball shined onto my mega necklace and I grinned then tossed him out onto the field. "Let's do this buddy," I exclaimed and Lucario smirked nodded back at me.

My attention shifted to Alder who took a deep breath, grabbed his last pokemon's pokeball and smiled at me, "Alright Druddigon let's work hard to give Jade the battle she deserves!" He exclaimed and I grinned as Druddigon appeared growling loudly.

"You ready?" I questioned to Lucario and he nodded, "Alright Lucario use Close Combat!" I ordered and Lucario shot forward, "Dragon Tail quick Druddigon!" Alder responded and Druddigon's tail glowed light blue, he then whipped around quickly and smacked Lucario out of the way. 

Lucario quickly caught himself and looked at me, "Lucario use double team!" I instructed, hoping to confuse Druddigon and Alder. Lucario jumped into the air then began to make copies of himself that surrounded Druddigon. "Flamethrower and destroy those copies!" Alder ordered and Druddigon opened his mouth and flames formed inside, Druddigon released the large flames and wiped out all of Lucario's copies, eventually knocking him to the ground with the flames. My eyes widened at how powerful Druddigon was and I prayed Lucario would hang in there.

"Druddigon it's our turn! Use Hyper Beam!" Alder shouted and Druddigon opened his mouth then released a huge blast of energy. Lucario weakly stood up and tried to dodge but he was too late. The beam blinded me but when my vision returned Lucario was crashed down in the ground, a bruised body with little amounts of energy. 

Without a second of thought I gripped my keystone and closed my eyes.

"With our energy combined and our bond growing stronger, Lucario unleash your power with me and MEGA EVOLVE!"  

As I shouted rays of energy seemed to revitalize Lucario, he shot back up and let out a powerful roar. He Mega Evolved and glared at Druddigon, "Lucario use Close Combat!" I shouted and Lucario took off sprinting, shooting up dirt as he ran.

"Druddigon stay calm." Alder instructed since Druddigon still needed to regain energy from that Hyper Beam. Druddigon was breathing hard and had a nervous look on his face, Lucario slammed into him and began punching and kicking with tremendous force. I noticed the pained expression on Lucario's face due to Druddigon's ability, Dry Skin which would hurt whoever touch him but Lucario wasn't giving up. "Keep up the pressure Lucario, shake the pain off!" I encouraged and Lucario began punching with more speed. 

Alder growled then stuck his hand out, "Now Flamethrower!!" He shouted and Druddigon blasted flames into Lucario's  stomach, sending him flying back with blazing flames burning his body.

Lucario knelt down and punched the ground, "That's right Lucario we're all fired up!" I exclaimed while fist pumping and Lucario smirked, "Now use Aura Sphere in front of Druddigon!" I instructed and Lucario jumped into the air with a sphere of aura forming in his paws, he blasted the sphere into the ground in front of Druddigon and dirt and dust clouded around Druddigon. "Druddigon get it out of your face," 

Druddigon's sharp claws waved the dirt out of his vision but as soon as he was able to see again Lucario was prepared with an Aura Sphere in his hands. The Aura Sphere blasted into Druddigon's face and caused him to stumble backwards. "Druddigon Flamethrower!" Alder ordered and I smirked, "Dodge it Lucario! Use that speed!" I exclaimed with a grin and Lucario landed on the ground and zoomed out of the way, Druddigon's flames blasting past me so close I could feel the heat almost touching my skin but I was too focused on the battle to care. 

Alder smirked then crossed his arms, as he laughed his long red hair bounced along with him, I raised a brow and looked at him confused, "What's so funny?" I questioned and he wiped a tear that had fallen. "Ya know in all my years being the champion I have never met a more dedicated, talented and strong trainer. It almost makes me wanna just give you the title!" He stated and I shook my head then looked to Lucario. "That would make all the hard work I've put into raising my pokemon mean nothing, we didn't come here for handouts we came here to showcase our talent and win!" I responded and Alder nodded his head and smiled.

"I knew you felt that way, and I hope you know I would never give you the title without earning it! Let's go Druddigon Earthquake!" Alder shouted and Druddigon slammed his foot onto the ground. The ground began to shook and white shock waves blasted out towards Lucario. 

Lucario wasn't given time to react before the shock waves blasted him backwards, "Get back up Lucario, use Extreme Speed!" 

Lucario got back up and smirked, he put one foot forward then zoomed forward, white funnels of energy followed behind him. "Druddigon quick use Dragon Tail on the ground!" Alder ordered and Druddigon whipped around then slammed his tail on the ground, shooting up dust and dirt and clouding Lucario's view. "Now Druddigon Flamethrower!" 

Druddigon jumped into the air and opened his mouth wide, shooting out a blast of fire heading straight for Lucario. I didn't even have to shout an order when Lucario began to zoom out of the way, dodging the flames. "Alright One last, with all your power!" Alder shouted and I raised a brow as Druddigon shot into the air. Druddigon then opened his mouth wide and a raging flamethrower blasted out, my shock only grew stronger as the flames seemed to separate and surround Lucario in a blazing ring. 

Lucario's eyes widened as the ring closed in and the impact blasted him into the sky. 

"And that's a hard hit to Lucario! Will he be able to pick it back up or will Alder have successfully defended his title again?" The announcer shouted but I was too busy worried about Lucario. "Lucario can you hang in there?" I questioned to his weakened and bruised up body. I clenched my fist and growled as Druddigon prepared another attack, "No Mega Evolution huh? I really thought you'd give me a challenge....Druddigon finish this battle with a powerful Hyper Beam." 

Alder's statement made me growl, which then shifted into a chuckle then a smirk. My hand clutched around my mega necklace and I stood up tall and grinned as mega evolution was about to take place. 

"You heard that Lucario, he wants a real challenge, Well why don't we give it to him then!" My words seemed to breath spirit back into Lucario because as soon as I said that he stood up and glared at Druddigon. "With our energy combined and our bond growing stronger, Lucario unleash your power with me and MEGA EVOLVE!" 

"Now Druddigon!"

The Hyper Beam blasted out and crashed into Lucario as he was Mega Evolving, there was a huge explosion of light and I was blinded, I covered my eyes and gripped my necklace as wind whipped past.

I closed my eyes as my vision slowly returned and when I opened them in front of me stood Mega Lucario, a smirk on his face and aura radiating off of him, a grin was plastered on my face and I giggled, "Let's do this!"

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