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We climbed down descended down the ladder leading down into the Castelia Sewers. "Blitzle light the way with flash," I ordered and the dim sewers became illuminated when Blitzle released a bright flash of light. Alison lead the way through the sewers and we came across a brick wall that seemed to be the ending of the sewer. "Uh...Alison there's nothing here," Alex pointed out and she nodded, "Zorua stand over there." She instructed and Zorua jumped down from her shoulder and stood across from her, the two began to knock on the wall in certain spots and seconds after the brick wall caved in and revealed a hallway leading to a door.

"The hideout is right this way, Riolu should be with them." Alison stated and I nodded. We all ran down the hallway and busted through the hideout, it was relatively quiet, "Riolu, Riolu where are you?!" I called out nervously and heard a faint cry coming from a different room.

"Riolu!" I shouted then chased after the cry leaving the others behind. I entered the room and instantly a cage fell over Blitzle and I, the others followed inside and met with the same fate. A mysterious voice laughed and appearing from the shadows were the same grunts from earlier, along with someone new, a man with jet black hair and dark brown eyes, he wore a brown trench coat and black slacks, Riolu was in his arms looking frightnened, the man smirked at me then shook his head, "You couldn't just keep your mouth shut could you?" He said to Alison and she glared at him, "What you're all doing is so wrong and you know it Blake!" Alison responded, "Give me Riolu Now!" I ordered and Riolu struggled in Blake's arms trying to get to me. "I would but...actually no I wouldn't!" Blake laughed and they all joined in, Blitzle banged at the cage holding us captive.

"Unfezant use gust!" One of the grunts ordered and Unfezant created a powerful gust of wind that pushed Blitzle to the back of the cage, Blitzle banged his head on the steel and landed hard. "Blitzle, are you okay?" I asked, rushing to his side, "Blit blit," Blitzle responded weakly and I rubbed its head soothingly, "You won't get away with this!" I growled and Blake chuckled, "I think we already have, let's go." He responded and they all began to walk away when Riolu's eyes turned dark black, a black aura surrounded him and he blasted Blake off of him, landing on its feet.

"Get that pokemon!" Blake shouted from the floor, "Unfezant Razor Wind!" The grunt ordered and Unfezant began to shoot razor sharp winds at Riolu but he jumped into the air and slammed into Unfezant with blinding speed, "I think that was Quick Attack," Jared remarked and I was too shocked to respond.

Riolu was still surrounded in the black and blue aura when he slammed into the other grunt's Weavile, he then dashed into my cage and it crumbled apart, he did the same for the others and then fell to the ground weak and tired. "Come on let's go!" Alison shouted and I picked Riolu up from the floor and dashed out of the sewers.

We ran to the pokemon center and the aura surrounding Riolu finally disappeared. "Riolu thank you so much for saving us, you're amazing buddy." I praised happily then placed Riolu on the medical table Nurse Joy rolled out, I handed her my other pokeballs and she went to heal them.

I sat down in the waiting room with the others and we were all speechless. "What just happened?"Alex asked the question we were all wondering and I shook my head in disbelief. "All that prophecy nonsense they were speaking about, it must be true," Jared stated and I took a deep breath.

If that's true then that paints an even bigger target on my back, "I have to talk to Lenora, she's the one who gave me the egg so I'm sure she'll understand more." I informed then walked over to the video phone and dialed the number Lenora gave me. After a few rings Lenora picked up, "Hello, Oh it's Jade how are you doing?" She asked and I smiled, "I'm great, but I called you for something important, the egg hatched and it's a Riolu." I informed and she grinned, "That's great news, what else do you need to tell me because I know there's some bad news." She asked and I sighed, "Well those Team Plasma bad guys found us and stole him, we followed them and got captured, Riolu saved us all by going into some powerful form, he nearly destroyed the hideout." I explained and she nodded, "I understand, I had a feeling the prophecy would be true," She remarked and the others stood by, listening in.

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