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Lenora and I locked eyes as both our pokemon fell to the ground at the same time, "That's a double K.O!" Lenora's Husband, Hawes announced and the both of us returned our pokemon, her Herdier and me Purrloin, "You did a great job Purrloin, thank you." I praised then placed the pokeball on my belt, I then grabbed Sewaddle's pokeball and tossed it into the air, "Sewaddle come on out!" 

Once Sewaddle was released he rushed behind my legs and hid in fear. I crouched down and looked Sewaddle deep in his eyes seriously, "Now Sewaddle I know you're nervous about your first gym battle and I understand that but understand this...I believe in you, Jared, Alex and Penny believe in you, you see over there? Snivy's cheering you on too now let's get out there and win our badge!" I encourage and Sewaddle slowly made its way in front of me.

"Sew sew waddle."

I stood back up and smirked, "That was some pretty inspiring speech, I can see you have much faith in your pokemon." Lenora stated and I nodded, "They're my partners and we both have to give our all in a battle, no matter what!" I responded and Lenora looked down at her pokeball. "I feel the exact same! Watchog come out!" She shouted then released her Watchog which crossed its arms and looked down at Sewaddle confidently.

"Don't be intimidated Sewaddle, we can do this!" I called out and Sewaddle stuck his foot in the ground then growled. "Watchog crunch!" Lenora ordered and I was surprised at Watchog's lightning fast speed, I wasn't even able to issue an attack before it was biting down hard on Sewaddle.

"Sewaddle use razor leaf!" 

Sewaddle's body became surrounded in a green aura and leaves shot out from its body towards Watchog. "Watchog dodge it then use low kick!" Lenora instructed and Watchog jumped out of the way, Watchog then bolted for Sewaddle and kicked Sewaddle's little feet out from under it. Sewaddle slammed into the wall and I could tell it was very weak. "Sewaddle you've got this hang in there!" I called out and gritted my teeth in frustration.

"Gah! Watchog was so fast and powerful, I need to do something about its speed and I need to do it now." I thought to myself then smirked, tipping my cap up. "Since you're not making a move, Watchog use crunch!" Lenora ordered and Watchog dashed for Sewaddle, teeth glowing white, "Now Sewaddle string shot!" Sewaddle moved out of the way then shot a blast of string at Watchog slowing it down.

"What does String shot do?" Alex asked but I was too focused on the battle to answer. "String shot lowers the target's speed, I see Jade's strategy." Penny answered and I smirked, "Now it's our turn Sewaddle Bug bite!" 

Sewaddle dashed for Watchog with its teeth glowing and appearing to be slightly long, Sewaddle bit down on Watchog's tail and moved up and down, "Watchog get Sewaddle off by swinging your tail!" Lenora instructed seeming to keep her calm and collected manner even though her Watchog was in a sticky situation, pun intended.

Watchog lifted his tail then swung Sewaddle off, "Sewaddle stick to the wall!" I ordered and Sewaddle turned his body so its feet where pointing the wall, Sewaddle then stuck to the wall and looked at me. "Watchog shake that string off." Lenora ordered but I shook my head, "I don't think so, Quick Sewaddle use Razor Leaf!" I smirked as Sewaddle jumped off the wall and shot a powerful blast of razor sharp leaves at Watchog. Once the leaves made contact Watchog was blasted back and landed at Lenora's feet unconscious. 

"Watchog return, you did an excellent job, get some well deserved rest hun." She warmly instructed. I returned Sewaddle then looked at Lenora who had a disappointed yet proud look on her face. "Congratulations Jade from Nuvema Town you've won the Basic Badge!" Hawes announced then Lenora opened up a case and handed me a purple badge shaped like the spine of a book, I excepted the badge gratefully then raised it in the air, "I just won the Basic Badge!" I exclaimed then jumped up in the air. "You and your pokemon battled as one and for that I say thank you." Lenora stated and I looked up at her confused, "Why are you thanking me?" I asked and she smiled. "This battle has made me come up with new and more difficult battle strategies for trainers to conquer and for that I have a gift, come this way." She directed, I followed her into a different room. 

This room was filled with books loaded on huge book cases. Lenora went deeper into the library and seconds later returned with what look like like a disk in a case, "A TM?" I took the TM and placed it into my bag, "Yeah, that's TM67 Retaliate, the move Watchog used on Sewaddle, the moves power doubles if a team member has fainted in the previous turn." Lenora explained and I nodded. A rumble that ripped through the gym area had ripped us from our conversation.  

"Lenora the museum is under attack!" Hawes informed and Lenora's usual warm and kind demeanor shifted into a powerful and serious one. The room began to shake again and Lenora put her hand on my shoulder to keep me balanced. "Follow me, all of you!" Lenora ordered and we all followed her up the stairs to the other part of the building which was a museum.

A powerful blast of water shot at us and we all jumped out of the way, I landed hard on my leg and winced, I began to feel burning hot all of a sudden, I looked up and shooting right at me was a flame burst attack.

"Cinccino thunderbolt!" Lenora ordered and her beautiful and graceful Cinccino jumped in front of me, and its body became surrounded in electricity. Cinccino then fired multiple beams of electricity that got rid of the fire and instead blasted the Chandelure that had fired it. "Go! Now that there's an opening." Lenora ordered.

"Come on!" Jared helped me up then the two of us began to make our way to the front exit, me limping behind.

A loud scream coming from Lenora made me whip around and slow down the process, "Come on Jade, we have to get out of here." Penny said and I shook my head, wincing from the pin I still felt in my leg. "I'm not leaving Lenora!" I replied then got out of Jared's grasp and limped away. Lenora noticed me and for that split second her attention was taken from the battle against Team Plasma her Braviary was blasted out of the sky. "Braviary return." Lenora glared at the Team Plasma grunts and they chuckled then crossed their arms, staring down the two of us. 

"Who are you!?" Lenora questioned and I growled, "They're called Team Plasma," I started. "Yes the little one's learned something over the past few days but she still doesn't know when to mind her business." The same grunt from two days ago stated and I glared while holding back the pain from my ankle. "What do you want from here!?" She questioned and both of the Plasma grunts glared at us.

"You know exactly what we want Lenora, give us the egg!" The male grunt ordered and Lenora clenched her fists in anger, "Watchog confuse ray!" 

Watchog jumped into the air and raised its arms, two golden orbs formed at its hands, Watchog then shot the orbs and they exploded in a bright flash of white light confusing both of their pokemon.

"Follow me!" Lenora ordered and we exited the museum through the back entrance, Lenora and I bolted through the pinwheel forest to some shed. "I've hidden this away from people like them, fearing what would happen if it were to fall in the wrong hands." Lenora stated then pulled out a glass case containing an egg, a pokemon egg. The egg was blue with black designs and two large circles on the sides. I took the egg then placed it in my bag, I looked up at Lenora and she looked at me with a serious face. "Please Jade take care of this egg and make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands." Lenora begged and I nodded, "Now go before Team Plasma finds us!" She instructed and I ran out of the shed, avoiding the museum all together and instead heading to the pokemon center to find the others.

"Guys we've got to get out of Nacrene City and we've got to get out of here now." I informed and they all looked at me puzzled, "Come on!" I shouted then ran out of the pokemon center, not caring whether they were behind me or not. I planned on getting as far away from Nacrene City as possible.

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