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After a long rest I awoke feeling refreshed and ready for a long day of training. The five of us headed to Vertress City and I registered to enter the Unova League, my eyes widened at the amount of trainers who came to register too.

"Mam we need to see your eight badges." The man in front of the registration desk instructed and I grinned then pulled out my badge case, showcasing the eight badges I've won so far on my Journey.

The man nodded then allowed me entrance through the gated area, I looked back at the others and they followed me in. "Wow I can't believe we're finally here, it's so big!" Alison exclaimed and I nodded, we walked through the gates and into a huge arena, people filled the stands and trainers stood in the wings. "All non challengers please make your way to the stands." A woman said on the loud speaker and I looked to the others.

"Good luck Jade!" Alex exclaimed and I grinned, "Yeah we'll be cheering with you all the way!" Alison added and they both walked off, "I really hope you win! Good luck!" Olivia smiled then followed the two out leaving Jared and I.

Jared sighed then pulled me into a quick hug, leaving a kiss on my cheek. "You've got this Jade, I already know you're gonna win." He encouraged and I grinned. Jared walked off and I took a deep breath. "JADE JADE WAIT UP!" A voice called out and I turned my head to see Sierra running towards me, my mother by her side. My eyes widened and I watched in shock as the two ran over to meet me before I went on.

My stopped right in front of me to catch her breath while Sierra giggled and grabbed a familiar pokeball. "Here...Jade Liepard's been crying ever since you left, she missed you." Sierra stated and tears brimmed in my eyes and I took the pokeball then gave it a quick kiss, putting it on my side. "Thanks Sierra!" I smiled then gave her a hug, "Go give'em all you got!" She exclaimed then stepped back so my mom could talk to me.

Mom had finally caught her breath and she looked more emotional than ever, tears streamed down her cheeks and her cheeks were rosy. "I'm just so proud of you!" She stated then pulled me into a hug, squeezing the life out of me. "'re choking me!" I responded and she loosened her grip, holding onto my shoulders for support.

"Do this for you, and your father. He would've loved to see you win." Mom stated and I nodded, tears threatened to fall but I forced away. "Mam didn't you hear the announcement?" A man questioned to my Mother and I knew he had made a mistake, Mom slowly turned around and glared at him, "DON'T YOU SEE I'M TALKING TO MY DAUGHTER, THE NERVE OF YOU-"

My eyes widened as she yelled and I giggled then tapped her on her shoulder, "Mom Mom! Go with Sierra and go sit with the others, I'll be fine." I assured and Mom nodded then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, Sierra took Mom to the others and I took a deep breath then walked out to the huge locker room. Hundreds of trainers and their pokemon stood there looking powerful and ready for battle.

It almost made me nervous but then I remembered I was prepared for anything and all my pokemon were ready. Earlier I gave Panpour the Water Stone I got from Officer Jenny in Strato Town and she evolved into Simipour, Jared and I also visited Hunt again and he made a special necklace for me, inside my Keystone. He also made a matching Necklace for Lucario containing his Mega Stone, I couldn't wait to show everyone how hard my pokemon had been working.

I noticed Marcus and Crystal talking in the center with two other trainers, one a girl with bright pink hair tied in two ponytails and the other a tall boy with long green hair and an excited smile on his face.

Marcus laughed with the boy and then noticed me out of the corner of his eye. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Crystal, "Jade! I've been looking all over for you!" She exclaimed then ran over to me, Marcus raised a brow then chuckled, "I'm guessing you two know each other?" Marcus smirked and I nodded, "Yup. I'm so glad you all made it!" I smiled and they nodded. "Who's this?" The girl from earlier questioned.

MY JOURNEYTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang