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Sweat poured off of me as the sun beamed down hard on us, Riolu seemed unaffected by the heat and that made me smile, "Is this....really...the only way to...Nimbasa City?" Alex panted and I was too hot to respond. "Only a few more miles..." Penny stated and we all groaned. The ground below us began to rumble and we all looked around confused. "Is it an Earthquake?!" Alex questioned, trying to keep balance and Penny shook her head, "Over there!" She pointed far right to where various pokemon began to run towards us, fear present on their faces. 

"Watch out!" Jared exclaimed and pulled Alex out of the way before a speeding Scolipede rammed into him. "Let's find out what's going on, come on!" I ordered then ran in the direction they came from. Energy seemed to suddenly flow through my body as we ran, we came across the same group that had been following us earlier, "Team Plasma." Jared growled, three members and their pokemon had surrounded a huge group of pokemon all in their first evolutions unlike those pokemon we saw running earlier.

"Let those pokemon go now!" Alex commanded and Team Plasma turned around and chuckled, one of them looked at me and then smirked, "Look, it's the brat with the egg." He remarked and my eyes widened, "How did you know about that?" I questioned and he looked at Penny then chuckled, "I have my ways, now hand it over!" He instructed and I glared, "That egg hatched already and there's no way I'm handing over Riolu!" I replied, stepping in front of Riolu and now I captured all their attention. "Riolu? So the prophecy is true, every hundred or so years a Riolu will be born with strange and unnatural ability rivaling some fully grown pokemon." A female grunt explained and Riolu looked up at me with a nervous and unsure face. "Is that all true?" Jared asked and she nodded then smirked, "And that's why we'll have to take him, Weavile go!" She ordered and her Weavile whipped around and dashed for Riolu, it was so fast I couldn't even comprehend what was going on, Weavile snatched Riolu up off the ground and began running back to its trainer. "Good boy, buh bye now!" The female grunt waved as some device lifted off the ground Team Plasma was standing on, taking them and the pokemon with them.

Riolu struggled in Weavile grasp and I chased after them, "Blitzle shock wave!" I ordered and as Blitzle jumped out of his pokeball Blitzle shot a beam of electricity from his mane at Team Plasma's air balloon-like device. "Unfezant Air Cutter!" Another grunt ordered and released a male Unfezant, Unfezant flapped his wings hard and the air slashed into Blitzle's shock wave causing it to be useless. "Blitzle return." I instructed and returned Blitzle to its pokeball, the heat overcame me and I dropped to the ground due to fatigue, tears streamed down my eyes as Riolu was actually stolen.

"He's gone! Riolu's gone!" I screamed and Jared pulled me into a hug, trying to calm me down. "Can't we follow them?" Alex questioned sadly, "There's no way, we have no idea where they went." Jared responded and I sobbed loudly, all of my pokemon jumped out of their pokeballs and hugged me tightly. "I do." Penny said and we all looked at her, "Zorua reveal yourself." She instructed and I watched puzzled as Eevee jumped into the air, a purple energy surrounded Eevee and in its place was a Zorua. "What? Eevee was a Zorua this whole time?" Alex asked and I was speechless, "Yes...I've been meaning to tell you three the truth ever since Jade's gym battle in Castelia City but I had no idea how, my real name is Alison and I am a member of Team Plasma...or was," She began and my eyes widened and I stood up, "What! This whole time you've been lying to us, you've been working with them!" I shouted in anger and Penny or whatever her name is frowned, "It's not that simple! The leader of Team Plasma is Ghetsis, my father he's lied to me, mistreated me and degraded me to the point where I only followed his rules because that was the only way I could keep a roof over my head. He sent me on a mission, to befriend you guys then "liberate" your pokemon. Everything however changed that day you got the egg from Lenora, Ghetsis wanted me back so he could send bigger and more powerful Team Plasma members, whatever their plans are I have no idea but I do know where we can find them." She explained and I looked down still feeling anger because of the loss of my pokemon and also because she lied to us. 

I dusted myself off then turned around, not even wanting to look at her. Jared took this as a sign to speak and I nodded thankfully, "Where can we find them?" Jared questioned, "Telling from the route those grunts took I'm pretty sure they're headed to Castelia City, Team Plasma has a hideout there in the Castelia Sewers." She informed and my nose twitched in disgust, "Of course, cowards hide in the shadows," I remarked then pushed past her and made my way back to Castelia.

Yeah it may be unfair for me to be mad at Alison but until I get Riolu back I have every right. 

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