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"Sewaddle finish Whirlipede with Razor Leaf!" I ordered and the weakened Whirlipede was finally taken out by the blast of razor sharp leaves. Sewaddle landed at my feet breathing heavily and obviously still weak from the battle with Dwebble. "Sewaddle return," I returned Sewaddle and smiled at the pokeball, "You did an amazing job buddy, get some rest." I whispered then placed the pokeball back on my belt I then grabbed Snivy's pokeball and smirked, "Alright Snivy let's finish this battle off right and win that badge!" I exclaimed tossing the pokeball into the air and releasing Snivy.

I wonder how Jade's gym battle is going...knowing her she's probably beaten Burgh and won her third badge by now. "Jared are you even paying attention, Tepig and Watchog are waiting for you?!" Olivia yelled snapping me out of my thoughts and I shook my head, I've got to keep training if I want to win the Pokemon Contest tomorrow, "Okay Tepig use Defensive curl!" I ordered and Tepig jumped into the air, curling into a ball. "Now Watchog use Thunderbolt!" I commanded and Watchog jumped into the air and it became surrounded in electricity, Watchog blasted Tepig and the defense curl caused the thunderbolt to bounce off Tepig and electricity surrounded the field.

"Woah Watchog is so cool!" Alex exclaimed and I smirked, "Now Tepig use flame charge!" 

Tepig jumped out of the defense curl then became surrounded in flames, "Tepig tep tep pig pig." Tepig breathed out as it dashed through the electric field garnering some electricity around it. "Now Tepig lets hit Watchog with an electric ember attack!" I instructed and Tepig jumped into the air and blasted tiny embers surrounded in crackling electricity, "Watchog quick super fang!" 

Watchog zoomed at the embers, teeth glowing white brightly Watchog then crunched down on the embers and they exploded in bright and festive sparkles.

Watchog and Tepig landed next to me we all smirked. Olivia and Alex cheered and I smiled, "That was amazing Jared, you haven't lost your touch," Olivia complimented and I smiled, "Thanks how about you and your pokemon show us what you've got," I suggested and Olivia smirked, "Oh I'll show you what I got, Fennekin, Fletchinder come on out!" Olivia shouted then did a jump backwards landing next to her pokemon. "Fennekin ember, Fletchinder use Razor Wind!" Olivia ordered and Fennekin jumped into the air, it then opened its mouth and released embers shooting right towards Fletchinder flapped its wings hard and released a powerful of gust of wind which cut right into the embers causing them to burst into tiny orange sparkles which slowly descended down. I crossed my arms and smirked as Olivia did one a dramatic turn and jumped into the air downing a quick flip, "Fennekin use double team, Fletchinder Ember!" Olivia shouted and Fennekin jumped into the air while creating copies of itself, Fletchinder flew high up in the air then flapped its wings shooting out a bunch of tiny embers that when making contact with the Fennekin copies caused them to explode in flashy fireworks. Olivia then held out her arm and Fennekin landed on it, raising its head in a regal manner. Fletchinder landed at Olivia's feet and she grinned, "Ta da!" She exclaimed and I chuckled.

"What do you think?" She asked and I clapped my hands, "That was great, right Alex?" I replied and Alex was fast asleep causing me to laugh, "HUH?! I thought I did a great job!" Olivia said nervously and I walked over to her before she had a breakdown. "You did great Olivia Alex was just tired from all the walking we did plus Jade got us a little laugh." I explained, smiling slightly at the thought of Jade which Olivia obviously didn't like, "Ugh that idiot and her dirty unpolished pokemon, her Purrloin's claws are way to long." Olivia ranted and I glared daggers down at her, "Don't talk about my friend like that, especially when she's not here to defend herself." I barked and Olivia's eyes widened, I grabbed my bag then tapped Alex's shoulder, waking him up, "Maybe you should focus on coming up with a performance that won't put people to sleep." I smirked then left the pokemon center with Alex and headed for the Castelia Gym to hopefully catch some of Jade's gym battle.

"Now Snivy use Leaf Tornado!" I ordered and Snivy jumped into the air, a tornado of razor sharp leaves swirling around her tail, she whipped around hard and the tornado was thrown towards Burgh's Leavanny but a light blue shield protected it, "Good job Leavanny that Protect worked perfectly, now use String Shot!" Burgh yelled and Leavanny threw its hands into the air and released a long and sticky stream of string that wrapped around Snivy, slowing her down.

"Now Leavanny use Razor Leaf!" 

Leavanny's antennae became outlined in a light green aura and it then shot multiple sharp leaves at Snivy who was still caught in the string to move out of the way.

"Snivy get out of-" I started but Snivy was already hit hard. I noticed the door opening and I saw Alex and Jared walk in and sit next to Penny and Eevee, although I was excited I kept focus on the battle, "Snivy you can do this, I believe in you get back up and use Leaf Tornado!" I exclaimed and Snivy slowly and weakly got back up. My eyes widened as she began to glow white, her body began to grow and I noticed more leaves sprout on her back. 


"Snivy evolved!" I exclaimed in excitement and Servine looked back and smirked, "Servine, the Grass Snake Pokémon, and the evolved form of Snivy. Servine whips its opponents with vines, and dodges their attacks by hiding in the shadows of thick foliage." My pokedex informed and I giggled then smirked, I tipped my cap forward and clenched my fists. "Now Servine use Vine whip!" I ordered and Servine instead jumped into the air and did one spin, releasing two giant seeds into the ground. "Is that Leech Seed?" I questioned as roots sprouted from the ground and wrapped around Leavanny.

Servine landed next to me and I smiled, energy began to be sapped out of Leavanny and into Servine, "Okay Servine now use Leaf Tornado!" I commanded and Servine jumped into the air and spun around, leaves swirled around Servine in a tornado and she then directed the leaves for Leavanny, leaving Leavanny unconscious.

"Woohoo you did it Servine!" I exclaimed and Servine gave me a high five with one of her vines. "And the victor is Jade the challenger!" The ref announced and Burgh came back with a green badge shaped like insect wings. "You beat me fair and square so here's your prize! The insect badge!" Burgh stated and handed me the badge which I placed in my badge case.

"Thank you so much! Look Servine we won the insect badge!" I exclaimed then jumped into the air excitedly. I went back over to the others and smiled, "You did so good Jade!" Penny complimented and I smiled, "Thanks," I replied then looked to Jared, "How was your training with Olivia?" I questioned in a sarcastic voice and Jared shook his head and frowned, "I don't wanna talk about it," He replied and I internally smiled knowing it didn't go well.

We all headed out of the gym and the sun began to set, "Let's go get dinner at the pokemon center." I suggested and everyone nodded, we went into the Pokemon Center and I healed my pokemon while the others headed to the cafe. "You're pokemon is fully healed, come again." Nurse Joy smiled and I thanked her then placed my pokemon's pokeballs back on my belt, I met with the others and we all dug into our meal of noodles and some green tea.

"I'm worn out..." Jared yawned and I nodded, "Me too I'm gonna go to my room, night everyone." Penny informed then walked off, Eevee by her side. "Alright buddy let's head up, goodnight Jade." Jared smiled and I waved, I cleaned up after myself then headed into my room of the pokemon center, I changed into some PJs and laid down on the bed, instantly falling asleep.

I began to pack my bags with every intention on leaving, "I have to do what Ghetsis says, after all he is my father." I thought to myself. "But he's been wrong everytime, when it comes to pokemon and their trainers, Jade, Jared and Alex have shown to me that pokemon battling is more than just senseless fighting, it's a partnership, pokemon and their trainers work together not separately. Ghetsis is wrong and I'm done being a mat that he can walk all over, I'm done!"

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