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(Kara Above!)

"You wanna stick around for my gym battle?" I asked Charles as I got off of Swanna, Charles' smirk turned into a frown and he shook his head, "Nah, I've got a bike that needs fixing, catch ya on the flip side shorty." He replied in a cool voice then pushed my cap down making me growl. Charles and Swanna flew away and Servine and I waved at them.

I then returned to the gym and all eyes were on me, especially Nurse Joy who was stunned since "I" or actually Zoroark was standing right in front of her, "Oh my, Audino I think we should get some rest, we're seeing doubles." She sighed then rushed off back to the pokemon center. Zoroark returned to his natural form and snickered at the reaction he got from Nurse Joy.

I kept a calm and confident smirk as I walked up to the battle field to resume Clay and I's battle. Clay smirked at me then threw down Excadrill's pokeball, I threw down Lucario and crossed my arms, "Now where were we?" He smirked and I chuckled, "Lucario, Aura Sphere!"


"Phase Two of the operation is going exactly as planned," Hydra whispered as she spoke on the phone in the Police Station. "Perfect, I expect those 10 convicts are well on there way here?" Ghetsis questioned and Hydra nodded, "Yes, and we've sent them on ten different paths so there's no possible way those children could run into all 10 of them." Hydra responded and Ghetsis laughed, "Even if they do my plans will not be disrupted....Phase three will commence in due time, for now sit tight. You'll be out by sun rise."

"You've got this Lucario, Power-up Punch!" I shouted and Lucario swiftly whipped around then with a hand surrounded in orange aura Lucario punched Excadrill straight up into the air causing Clay to gasp in surprise. "Now Lucario Aura Sphere to finish it off!" I exclaimed and Lucario generated a blue blast in his hands, "LUCARIOOOOO!" He howled then released the blast which slammed into Excadrill's side.

The super effective move blasted Excadrill into the ground and he was unable to battle making Lucario and I the winners. "Excadrill is unable to battle, meaning Jade the challenger is victorious!" The referee announced and I jumped in the air excitedly, Clay chuckled and grabbed a badge from his badge case, he walked over to me then took my handle , placing the badge in there and holding on, "Jade you're a very special trainer, I hope to see you do big things in the future, win the Unova League for me, okay?" Clay spoke and I nodded my head slowly then took the badge with a gracious grin. I jumped into the air and squealed, "I've won my fifth Gym Badge, I'm almost there Alder!" I exclaimed then placed the badge in my badge case. I put the case back in my bag and waved goodbye to Clay. "Goodbye Clay hope to see you soon!" Jared said as we ran back on the path to the Unova League and I couldn't be more excited.

The Sun had already begun to set and we found shelter in a Log Cabin along the Lake with a huge field perfect for some training which I planned to do in the morning, me and my pokemon have a whole lot of work ahead of us if we want to win the Unova League and beat Alder so I better start working hard.

"That's right Panpour give it all you got, dodge and use lick!" I ordered as Lucario tossed a large piece of wood at Panpour, Panpour ducked below the wood piece then charged for Lucario, her tongue hanging out, Lucario prepared for Panpour then jumped over her leaving Panpour completely stunned, "Panpour use scald Lucario block with power-up punch!" I instructed and Panpour glared then blasted a beam of water for Lucario, Lucario's fist became surrounded in orange aura and he pounded the water out of the air then landed on the ground.

"Great Job you two!" I grinned and Lucario nodded while Panpour giddily jumped up and down making me giggle. "Food's ready!" Alison informed and I headed over to the others and filled my pokemon's bowls with pokefood. "So Jade how's training going?" Alex asked and I smiled, "It's going great, and I think Lucario's about to learn some more moves!" I responded and they all smiled happily for me, "So Lucario only knows Power-up punch, Aura Sphere and..." Alison paused, waiting for me to answer,

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