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"Hi my name's Jade and this is Olivia," I greeted the woman who we were assigned to protect, "We're with Officer Jenny here to search for the pokemon thief," Olivia added and the woman in the house nodded and smiled, "Hi it's nice to meet you, I'm Tori and this is my partner Spritzee." She introduced then motioned for us to come inside. "I'm more than thankful that Officer Jenny has found a new lead on that pokemon thief," Tori said and Olivia and I both nodded, "Yup, we've narrowed it down to one suspect and we have enough evidence to support it," I added and Tori nodded. "Come come Spritzee let's finish this painting," She smiled. "Sprit sprit..." Spritzee chirped then flew over to her pokemon trainer who sat in front of an easel, Spritzee stood in front of the easel and Tori began to paint her pokemon.

"Awe Spritzee's so cute I definitely want to catch a Fairy type!" Olivia grinned and I nodded but then we both turned away when we noticed that we were actually getting along. "I'm gonna go check outside," Olivia mumbled then walked away awkwardly."


"I can't believe MY Jared chose her over me! I know we broke up but how can you go from this to that!" I grumbled to myself while surveying the front and back of Tori's house, "Anything Talonflame?" I questioned and she shook her head, "How about you Vivillon?"

Vivillon shook her head and floated over me, I sighed and crossed my arms, "Lucario use Dragon Pulse!" A voice shouted and my eyes widened as a huge blast shot out from no where.


Tori and I stopped our conversation and looked outside, "I'll be right back, Lucario Servine come on out!" I shouted and the three of us rushed to the door, "You and Spritzee should hide somewhere, this could be serious." I instructed and she nodded, I rushed outside only to find Olivia hopelessly battling with a trainer who had long brown hair tied back into a high ponytail, she wore an orange t-shirt with a black leather jacket over and black combat boots, She cackled then threw her hand into the air, "Go Lucario aura sphere now! Scrafty High Jump Kick!" She ordered and her Lucario jumped into the air then shot a sphere of aura towards Olivia's Vivillon. Scrafty Jumped into the air with his knee glowing orange, both attacks neared close to their targets and my eyes widened.

"Servine move Talonflame with your vines, Lucario use your own aura sphere!" I instructed and both my pokemon jumped into the air, Lucario blasted an aura sphere that crashed into the other Lucario's aura sphere. Servine shot out vines and slapped Talonflame out of the way. Scrafty's eyes widened as he crashed into the ground, damaging himself as well.

Olivia looked at me then nodded, she ran into the house, most likely to protect Spritzee.

Stacey's pokemon and her smirked then took a step towards me, making me take one step back. "What's a little girl like you doing messing up my plans!?" She questioned in a cool yet annoyed tone and I crossed my arms, "You aren't gonna get away with stealing those pokemon!" I growled and she smirked, "Watch me, Lucario Close Combat, Scrafty crunch!" She smirked then her pokemon jumped into action, "Lucario you use Close Combat too, Servine leaf tornado!" I ordered and both Lucario's met with the same amount of power. Servine jumped over Scrafty's crunch then blasted a tornado of leaves into his back.

"Now Lucario power-up punch! Servine vine whip!" I commanded and Lucario jumped at the other Lucario with a fist covered in an orange aura, Stacey's Lucario moved out of the way and used low kick, without even needing a command from Stacey. Servine shot out vines towards Scrafty and just like Lucario, without needing a command Scrafty grabbed the vines and pulled Servine towards him, Scrafty then headbutt Servine, sending her flying.

"Lucario use aura sphere on Servine, Scrafty use high jump kick on Lucario!" Stacey instructed and with blinding speed her Lucario blasted aura into Servine while Scrafty slammed his knee into Lucario. Both of my pokemon weakly got back up and I growled, "Servine use Leaf Blade! Lucario back her up!" I ordered and Servine shot into the air with her tail glowing, her Lucario tried to stop Servine but my Lucario quickly punched him out of the way. Servine then slammed her tail into Scrafty, tossing him into the wall. "Quick Lucario finish Scrafty with Aura Sphere!" I instructed and Lucario created a huge ball of aura in his hands, Lucario then blasted the ball and it exploded upon contact with Scrafty.

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