41|| You Bring out the Best in me

Start from the beginning

Mom was now looking at me like I'd sprouted a third head. "Um, I'm pretty sure I can get you the hamper from the kitchen table," she said, slowly.

"Yeah!" I said, now kind of exasperated. "But please don't buy it in the first place!"

Now Mom just stared at me like I was crazy, before she sighed loudly. "I thought you knew," she said, looking like the world around suddenly made sense.

I raised an eyebrow and motioned for her to elaborate. "And?"

"I'm not the one who keeps buying you stuff," she confirmed.

"Then tell Daddy to stop getting me stuff," I clarified. I didn't need my parents to try and buy me candy because they felt bad that I kept landing up in the hospital and had the worst luck in the universe.

"Derek doesn't buy you candy either..." she said, shaking her head slowly. "Dylan drops this off every morning."

I waited a good five minutes to digest this. Surely, Mom was joking about this. I waited for her booming laughter to resound against my walls, setting me off as well and we'd both collapse into peals of giggles.

She was serious.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," I said, holding my hands out as if stopping her from continuing. "Hold up. Dylan picks these up from the store for you?"

Mom shook her head and said, very slowly in a way that sounded like a teacher trying to explain that one plus one was two, "Dylan buys the candy and drops it off."

Wait, what?

"What!?" I yelled, not getting it. "Why would he do that? Is he borderline insane?"

Mom glared at me. "Day, that's not a very nice thing to say," she scolded.

I threw my hands in the air. "Well, that's not my problem! I just found out that the guy I'm kind of having a fight with is buying me candy every day! How else am I supposed to react? I think I'm reacting pretty appropriately, to be very honest!" I all but shrieked. 

Mom shook her head at me in disbelief. "The least you could do would be to thank that boy. Honestly, he was probably the most concerned when you fell off the sill. I don't think he slept a wink."

My heart kind of melted a bit at that. Can you blame me?

"Um, okay," I said, blushing profusely and awkwardly.

"Why are the two of you fighting?" she asked, her voice softer. "Trust me, the two of you are going to have to get along."

I raised my eyebrows at her challengingly. "And why is that?"

Mom shook her head like she'd said too much. "Just... please, be nice to the boy. It looks like he really likes you."

I scoffed. Dylan and I had too much of a history to ignore... but we had too much of a history to acknowledge, too.

"Um, thanks anyway," I said, shrugging. "I'll thank him later I guess."

I guess was the key word in the sentence.

Mom looked relieved. "Good," she said, before leaving the room.

Starlight24: Sorry about that. Back now though.

Popcorned: What happened?

Starlight24: Well, I'm practically handicapped and my mom just dropped off this gift my neighbor got me that I didn't even know about.

Popcorned: Aw, that's sweet. Is she a friend of yours?

I smirked at this. I remembered how he'd gotten me jealous with his female friend. Two could play at that game, I guess.

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