29|| Her Words are Piercing Knives

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I wanted to say something: COMMENT AND VOTE YOUR HEARTS OUT. Seriously, I need all the votes and comments that I can get so if you could tell your friends and promote, it'll mean the world to me. TYSM =)

Another note: Do any of you know how to make trailers? Do you know anyone who can make trailers? If anyone can get me some trailers/ banners/ covers to jazz up the looks of MSLIO, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks so much for getting me in the What's Hot List in TeenFic! It means the world to me! =D :*

And also, add my book to your reading list if you want to receive updates. I've started updating more frequently now (yay me) so... um... yeah.

*Awkward cough*

Yeah, you can um... read now... 

*Buries face in hand with embarrassment and walks away*

Chapter 29: Her words are Piercing Knives

The words they say make cuts and bruises that don't fade away.


"Should I be concerned?" Mom asked sardonically, as she held the watering can in her hand and poured it over the plants around us in the garden.

"I swear I'm not lying," I said, getting defensive.

"Either this is a really dumb joke or you hit your head a little hard when your allergy came," Mom reasoned, looking like she didn't really care.

"I'm telling you, it happened! I'm not some two year old who makes up nonsense to seem cute, I'm in freaking junior year!" I said, getting annoyed. This was what I got for opening up to Mom.

"Well, considering the things you're telling me, I wouldn't be surprised if you're a five year old in a seventeen year old's body."

I groaned in frustration. "Whatever. I'm sorry for bothering you."

"Day!" Mom said sharply. "Okay, think about this from my perspective. You're telling me that when you passed out, you not only met my late mother but also argued with her and she gave you a magical, life-saving edible rose in your subconscious that made you come alive, and you had to think about the people you loved as you chewed on it. Pardon me for thinking it's far-fetched."

She made me sound like an idiot.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I probably hallucinated."

This could have been true for all I knew. I could have just been a delusional teenager with not enough oxygen reaching her brain, really.

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