11|| Hanging out with my Hangover

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Chapter 11: Hanging out with my Hangover


Before I start this chapter, I'd like to make something very clear. Day's been receiveing a lot of hate, and I want to tell you that I specifically said I based her off me. I just included the basic characteristics like my immature-self, my ability to talk until the cows come home, etc.

Some very distinct characteristics such as the fact she makes a big deal out of everything, she has no clue about anything, her obsession with popularity, etc are very distinct traits that I have stolen from my friends' and my own traits/ flaws. I know she has her flaws, but I want to make her gradually lose them through the book. No hate, please!


Happiness is realizing that the memories that were fighting each other in your brain are gone. It's realizing that the headache has passed.


I woke up in a bed that wasn't my own, in an unfamiliar room wearing nothing but an oversized Wolverine t-shirt which smelt like a guy's deodorant.

On normal circumstances, I would have freaked out and run around the neighborhood screaming bloody murder. Today, however I was too tired to even get out of bed and my head felt like it had been crushed against a boulder.

The room was large and bare, like a guest room. It was white and clean with a rather fresh scent hanging around and had random quotes hanging from the walls. The drapes were pulled back and sunlight was streaming in, and from my cushiony vantage point I could see a pool that was glistening.

I tried to call out to someone, but my voice was a soft, raspy choke.

Just then, a boy opened the door and let himself in. I did the first thing that I could, with the absence of bombs or guns.
I pelted him with pillows, of course.

"What the fu—" the boy began, pushing away the pillows.

"DON'T SWEAR!" I cut him off, glaring at him.

The boy- Jase- rolled his sparkly blue eyes and threw the pillows back at me. "High time you woke up."

All the incidents of the previous night came crashing in like a river that'd just had its dam removed. First, there was me with Mindy. Then there was me feeling like throwing up. Then there was Cady and Dylan kissing. I groaned into my pillow and spat some hair out of my mouth.

"What time is it?" I asked, the last words of my question drowning because I'd yawned.

"2 pm. Your mom is not gonna believe you had a sleepover with Deeds, because you are going through a serious hangover. Start brainstorming for a better excuse." Jase looked mildly irritated and sat on the corner of the bed, careful not to sit on my legs.

I glanced under the covers at the big t-shirt and my bare legs. "Jase Tackett, did you undress me?" My tone was even, but there was a certain danger lacing the words.

"Of course that would be the first thing you thought of," Jase rolled his eyes again. "No, to answer your question. I have an older sister who came over for the weekend and she helped put you in bed and stuff. Not like undressing you would excite me either, just so you know." Ouch, that stung.

"Okay," I gulped, looking at his annoyed state. I crawled towards him and stroked his hair (because it looked so soft and ruffly) and looked at him with my big blue eyes which could look very innocent and lovable if I wanted them to. "Is anything wrong?" I asked, my tone soft and sweet.

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