Part 61

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*No one's P.O.V*

Marc's headed back inside, first taking care of Julie, who was already on her feet. She stopped crying, but was having a hard time. Marc also told everyone the bad news. He made sure that no one would bother him for the time being. He made up that either Neymar himself or Marc would tell the people how he was doing.

Davi stayed at Geri and Shakira's for the night.

A day has past and it is now almost noon. Julie decided she had enough of laying in bed. She already laid enough in bed and feeling sick at sometimes. She didn't want to lay in bed while feeling bloated and sad, she just couldn't take it!

Julie 'wiggled' to Neymar's room, she had to make sure Neymar was okay. She knocked on the door a few times, waiting for a response from Neymar before getting in. It took a while, but Neymar replied, "yeah."

Julie slowly opened the door and walked past the door frame, but stopped there. She looked at Neymar, he was sitting on the side of his bed, looking at nothing. Julie took a deep breath, "How are you feeling?"

Neymar sighed, "I-I don't know." He admitted while shaking his head lightly. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened and I want to help you-" Julie was caught off. "What no!" Neymar jumped up from the side of his bed. "Don't be sorry, I should be the one taking care of you. You lost your best friend." He said, walking closer to Julie. "B-but, you've also lost your fiancé. I need to help-" Neymar puts his hands on Julie's shoulders.

"I'm fine Juul, really. And yes I did lost her too, but I don't want to sit around and be sad. I want to help you, I'll be your best friend!" Neymar guided Julie to his bed and sat her down. He kept on talking.

"I'll be there for you when u feel like you need to share something, or talk about annoying things Marc does-" Julie chuckled at that comment. "-you can also even do that girly stuff with me if you want to! Also don't forget that I will be supporting you and Marc with your twins. Since I already raised one, I can guide the both of you. And eh, three pair of hands are always better than two pair of hands, especially with twins. You can stay as long as you want here." Neymar assured Julie.

Julie laughed and teared up by Neymar's warming yet still funny comments. "Thank you Neymar, but if you will be my best friend, I need to be yours. So if you want to share anything, just tell me." Neymar nodded. "Will do, also when Marc is being annoying." He joked.

"But I'm pretty sure Marc and I will move when we are used to our new lifestyle." Neymar raised his brow. "Oh no, no no no. The part 'you can stay as long as you want', I actually meant, you must stay. Like really, you two won't move out until your kids move out when they are adults which basicly means you two are my kids and you just won't ever move out." Neymar said in one breath.

Julie chuckled and then hugged Neymar. "Thank you." And Neymar hugged her back.

~ The End

College love, Marc Bartra & Neymar Jr [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now