Part 27

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*Marc's P.O.V*

In the last vacation, Ney and I surprised Eli and Juul by coming to the Netherlands.

First I was actually nerves you know, parents and stuff. And I went worse when we met José. He's nice but he's so scary. Luckily for me Chris wasn't so so strict.

The first night I came they hadn't laid down another matrass so I could only sleep in the same bed as Julie for just that night.

Yeah, that didn't happen. Her parents are nice but actually very forgetfull so they forgot about that I was sleeping in the same bed as their daughter. Not that I minded obviously.

We went back to Spain and Neymar and I got a contract with Barça's first team! Julie and Eliana came to more games and started hanging out with our team. Most actually with Sergi I noticed. He was injured and was always there at our games.

But I can't help to think there's something with Eliana and Sergi. Few weeks before the season ended, these two are acting weird with each other. They're also seeing and talking to each other a lot more in private. And with private I mean standing somewhere else from where everyone was standing. I don't know what to think but probably isn't bad. What I hear from Ney he's crazy over her so I don't think something would be going on with her and Sergi...but I still don't trust it knowing Sergi so long. I know he won't do that to Neymar but...

When the school and the season ended, Julie told me she already had plans for this vacation.


I park my car to the nearest parkinglot since my twin brother parked his car middle in my parents driveway, thanks bro.

I was staying at my parents house for the summer. We wanted to go on vacation but decided it would be nice to just stay at home like the old times.

I get out of my car and grabbed all the stuff I brought with me and walked to my parents house. I walk on the driveway looking into the window of the livingroom and seeing Eric and the back of a girl with dark brown hair. Must be his girlfriend I guess. I tap on the window to get their attention. Eric sees me and I point at the door. He nodded and the girl turned a little bit around and when I got to see a very little but of her face she covered her face with her hand and walked away. Weird. Why would his girlfriend do that?

I walked to the front door and Eric opened it.

"Hey Marc!" My brother said. He stepped a side so I could enter. I put down my stuff and 'bro' hugged him.

"Hey, how have you been?" I asked. "Good, and you? " He replied. "I'm good too."

Eric put a smirk on his face. Oh god what now.

"So, your girlfriend?" He asked still smirking. I sighed. "Yes, what's with her?" He lifted his shoulders. "Didn't bring her with you? Mama and papa really want to meet her." He said. "Oh really? What about your girlfriend then?" I teased him. He doesn't have a girlfriend. "Haha very funny." He said sarcasticly and punched my shoulder.

"No really, who was that girl you were talking too?" I asked while we were walking to the living room. It took him a long time before he answered.

"She's the house-keeper. She helps mama around the house, you know." He said. It was 'suspisious' if you're asking me but my parents do own a big house. It's the house where Eric and I grew up in and when we stilled lived here, it was already to big for the four of us.

"Were you hitting on her?" I asked him and winked. He laughed. "No" "Then why talk to her?" Really he always tries so hard with girls. "Can't I just be nice?" He said.

College love, Marc Bartra & Neymar Jr [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now