Christmas special!

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I hope that everyone has a wonderfull Christmas. I decided to write a Christmass special because...why not? It's Christmas!

¡¡Just remember that this is apart of the story thats going on right now!!

Important things to know are that:
1-No one knows about Sergi and Eliana
2-Julie is not pregnant
3-Davi is not in Spain, but in Brazil
4-Based on 3, that means they're all in Spain
See this is a kind of one shot-ish thing...(I don't know how to call it) Enjoy reading!

*No ones P.O.V*

"Common Marc!" Julie yelled as she pulled Marc with her into town. Marc walked after her against his will. "I don't want to." Marc nagged. Julie stopped and turned around. "Why not? It's christmas and you don't want to go present shoping?" She asked him. Marc rolled his eyes. "Hey, don't role your eyes at me!" She said to him. "It's your own fault you know! Why don't you want to by presents for the people you love?" Julie asked him. Marc sighed. "It's just that-it's not that manly-like." Marc said under his breath. "Thats the reason?" Julie started laughing. "Hey! It's my brothers fault!" He said in defence. "He made fun of me." He said looking away and crossed his arms like a little kid.

Julie chuckled and Marc narrowed his eyes at her. "Are you really not going to buy presents because of that?" She asked holding her laugh in. "Yeah, I did it last year too." He said. Julie sighed. "Oh Marcie, you're so stupid." She said and shock her head lightly. "Giving presents to the ones you love doesn't make you less manly or whatever." She said. Marc sighed. "Yeah, maybe." He gave in. "And plus-" Julie said and tapped his left cheek. "You aren't that manly anyways. Thats why I like you!" She said with a big smile and started dragging Marc down the street.

"Well that doesn't motivate me at all." Marc whispered to himself as he let Julie drag him down the streets. "I heard that." She said. "And I know exactly an item that will get you in a christmas spirit!" She said. "Nooo, not a christmas sweater!" Marc nagged. "Yes! And it's going to be a pink one if you keep nagging." Julie said and continued dragging Marc with her and Marc kept quiet.

"Just tell me!" Neymar ordered Eliana since he's been asking her but she won't answer. "I don't like presents!" She said. Neymar took a step back. "That's not what you've been telling me you know." Neymar said serious but still playfully. "So what? I don't like presents!" Eliana said. "Yeah but just a minute ago you said you don't know what you want." Neymar said.

Eliana sighed, "What do you want?" She asked him so he'll stop. "I want to buy a present for you!" He said like a little kid. "Why do you want to so badly?" She asked him. "Because I want to. It's christmas." He explained. "Isn't christmas about being with the ones you love?" Eliana said, hoping he'd give in and stop. "Yep! And thats why I want to give you a present." He said. Damn it, Eliana thought.

"I want you to give a present to show you how much I love you." He continued. Eliana shook her head. "Thats valentines day." She said. "Guess I have no choice." Neymar said under his breath.

He walked to Eliana who was sitting on the edge of the bed. He pushed her back and held her hands above her head. "Hey what are you doing!" She said, struggling to get lose from Neymar. "Tell me what you want." Neymar whispered in her ear. "I want you to let me go!" She reacted right away. "As a prensent duuh." Neymar said. Eliana sighed and thought for a while. "Fine, I want you to surprise me." Eliana answered. Neymar sighed. "That doesn't help me, but at least you except that I'm going to get you a present." He said.

*The group chat CHRISTMAS! is created by Julie*

Julie: Hai guys!

Eliana: Julie, pls no

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