Part 55

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So, I just realised I haven't posted in forever...and it's okay to hate me. I totally forgot until my friend told me about a story on wattpad, then I realised I haven't been on wattpad since I posted the last chapter. My friend told me this yesterday, so I was stressing out and I really should write 2 parts in a row and post them bc I really do owe you guys. I'M SO SORRY GUYS!

Anyways, enjoy reading~

*Eliana's P.O.V*

It's a day before the party. We're at the reception where the party is being held. Julie, I and some others are here for some last preperation.

"I have to say, you did an amazing job." I said to Julie, looking around. "Well duuh, if I let you organize this, there wouldn't even be a party." Julie said. "You know, you just could have said thank you." I said. "Could have" She repeated me. "But I didn't." She smiled and pet my head.

"Are you supposed to do this?" I asked her, looking at her really pregnant belly. "What?" She asked me. "Well, you're really pregnant and you've been walking for like hours. I haven't seen you sit down yet." She reached for her back. "Yeah, you're right. My back and feet are killing me." She said.

I walked with her to a chair. "You know," I spoke. "It sounds really ironic, 'my back and feet are killing me'. It's usually what a pregnant women would say in a movie. I never thought one of us would use it in real life." I continued. Julie sat down. "What if you are pregnant from twins for 6 months." She said. "Then it's not that ironic anymore." I rolled my eyes at her comment.

"Hey Julie!" Dani yelled. "We can pick the delivery up, but you need to come along for a signature." He said. Julie sighed and stood up. "Coming" She said. Dani, Gerard, Marc and Rafael walked after Julie. "Woah, why is almost everyone going with Julie and Dani?" I said. "Because it's a heavy load and we need some men." Marc said. "Yeah, and Julie might be carrying twins, but all three of them are useless." Gerard joked. "Dude" Marc said and Julie punched him.

"Are you going to do the last bits?" Julie said. I nodded. "Oke, let's go guys." She said and they left.

I sighed and looked around. I realised there was no one else. "Wow, they left me alone and now I have to do everything." I said outloud. "Ehem, excuse me." I heard behind me. "But I'm still here too you know." Sergi said. I looked confused at him. "Oh! I totally forgot you were here too!" I said. "Nice thanks for helping out here." He said sarcasticly.

Sergi and I have gotten on really well. It's not awkward or anything. Maybe when I look him directly in the eye...and also sometimes when we're alone...and just in genreal. So basicly, it looks like it's not awkward but I feel awkward as hell. I have no idea why I feel so weird about him. Over these past weeks this feeling became stronger and stronger. Like, I wanted to be with him. I don't know!

"Can you help me with the balloons?" Sergi asked me. "Uh, yeah sure." I said and followed him. I helped him filling the balloons. This was even more awkward then normal. We didn't say anything, which makes it super-duper awkward. Next to that I always felt weird around him, so it looked like forever before the balloons were filled with air.

"I think this is a good amount of balloons." Sergi said. I stood up. "If I place the balloons in the room and you clean up here?" I suggested. "Sure, what do I need to do with the balloons that are over?" He asked me. I thought. "I don't know, keep them, throw them away. Do whatever you want." I said. He nodded.

I placed all the balloons in the reception room where I remember Julie told me to put them. When I was done, I went back to where Sergi and I sat.


All of a sudden, I was wet. I looked up to Sergi who was laughing his ass off. "What. The. Hell." I said. "You told me to do whatever I want with the balloons. So I filled them with water." He said. "You're horrible!" I said. He grabbed another balloon he filled with water and threw it at me. Luckily it didn't broke. "Oh, you're so dead." I said as I picked up the balloon.

We fooled around with the balloons and ran around. At some point Sergi tackled me to the ground. We laughed while we were on the ground. I looked up to Sergi and I happened to look him right in the eye. Then I realised it. I realised what that feeling was.

I love Sergi

I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. I quickly freed myself from him and ran away, crying in confusion.

Okay guys, I have to admit, but after writing this I'm starting to think bad about Sergi XD

College love, Marc Bartra & Neymar Jr [COMPLETED] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now