Chapter 40

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🔥Blake's POV🔥

Her eyes go back into her head as I walk through the door. I had followed River to the abandoned house knowing something was wrong. The boy, Damien was his name, was straddling on her with fright.

"What happened?" I look at her almost lifeless body covered in colors.

"Oh fück." Damien looks at me.

"Help me!! He started to hurt her and has me chained up!" Rosie, the new girl at our school yells.

I walk over and punch him in the face. He goes clean out and I pick River up. She limply wavers in my arms. I set her on the bed as I unlock Rosie out of her chains. Damien wakes up and smiles.

"You think you got me pretty boy, you thought wrong!" He has a lighter in his hands.

"Damien don't do this." I walk over holding my hands up like a stop sign.

"Why shouldn't I burn this whole thing to the ground? Leaving you, the slüt, and Rosie here?" He snickers.

"River is not..."

"Oh yes she is, you know what we did the first night I was in the hospital and she come to stay the night? Sëx pretty boy sëx, she ain't your pure little virgin anymore! She is tainted now." He laughs.

I look at River. I didn't like the word choice he had. Tainted? Hardly. River was an independent woman, she could handle herself without a man. I guess that's what made it hard to hear that she had went to him for it. Especially after how sëx repulsed she seemed. Maybe it was out of pity, or love?

I don't think this man loves her. Why would she believe his lies?

"No, I don't believe it." I shake my head, that wasn't River.

"Don't believe me? When she wakes up ask her how I made her scream through out the hospital hallways my name." He holds the lighter now with a flame. "If you guys even make it out of here alive!"

He takes the light to the wall and leaves.  The flame gets bigger by the second with all the old wood it has to consume.

"Rosie we gotta get out of here!" I yell.

I hear an explosion come from downstairs and the building begins to shake.

"Okay I'll get River, Rosie just get out of here." She runs past me out the door.

I pick me up River but she soon comes back to life.

"Blake?" She says slowly.

"River now is not the time. We gotta get out of here." She instantly becomes more heavy with everyone waking moment.

"Blake I'm sorry, I should've listened to you." She mutters.

"I know River, I'm sorry too. I wasn't right and I was scared. I didn't want you to leave but that's exactly what I made you do. I'm sorry River."

She smiles a small one. I smile too and pick her up again. I cough the smoke through my lungs.

"River... The smoke..." I hack.

"Blake, I'm scared..." Her body starts to shake.

"River... It's gonna... Gonna be okay." I walk forwards but slip.

We both fall to the floor and River crawls into a little ball. I gotta get us out of here. Fast.

"River! Stay awake... Stay awake!" I yell.

"Blake, the... Smoke." She coughs.

"I know... River... Just stay... Stay awake!" I say as my eyelids start to close.

The whole room was black. I failed. I failed River and me. We were gonna die here with all of our secrets unsolved. I hadn't told her yet of Olive. I hadn't told her yet of Rosie.

"Blake, I... Love... You, so... So... Much." Was her last words.

"I love... You... Too... River." I say as I grab the last of my strength to hold her hand.

At least when we die and they find out bodies we'll be together.

Except, we didn't die.

The next thing I knew was that I was on a stretcher going into the ambulance. Then it was the oxygen running through my body as they put those masks on your face.

Then it was me saying her name.

"River!" I yell as she's rolled to another ambulance.

River doesn't look good. Blackness covers her body from the smoke. I probably don't look good either.

"Sir we need to have you lay back down. We're taking you to the hospital." The paramedic says to me.

"But that was River!" I yell.

"The girl that was with you? Yea she's not doing good." They slide me into the ambulance and then I black out again.

The next thing I knew was the softness of the bed in the hospital. My parents were there. Mom was crying and Dad was trying to cheer her up.

"Oh honey." She cries.

Sleep takes over again. Then I remember the darkness of the night as I was alone. I sit up. My room was decent sized, all white.

"Wow, they need to get some painting up in here." I swear I was under some serious shït.

My legs pulled me out of bed and down the hall. Multiple of the nurses tried to get me to go back to bed but I had to see her. I had to see River.

I found her door and opened it. There she was laying in her bed. Her stomach was going up and down at a regular pace. She seemed relaxed. I sat in one of the chairs next to her bed.

Then she wakes up.

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