Chapter 9

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He backs away leaving me confused. I look at Blake, he is still so close. I feel the wind blowing between me and Blake. His breath was warm on my cheeks.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time River."

I paused for a moment. He wanted to kiss me? I never knew what went on in his crazy mind but it must be about kissing girls.

"I'm sorry for leaving." Blake whispers.

"I can't trust you, can I?" I ask in his ear.

"Yes, you can. Because I'm never leaving again." His lips land on mine again.

His kiss was amazing. His hand landed on the back of my neck and I grabbed it. But then I backed away. Blake look at me surprised.

"Blake I told you that you couldn't just come back into my life like this." I look at him.

"I told you I was sorry."

"Well one sorry doesn't cut it for 6 years of abandonment." I sigh. "Besides we will never work out Blake. You're popular and I'm not. You have so much and I have nothing."

"That doesn't matter to me River. I mean I get the sorry thing. But about being popular, I don't care whether you're a high class queen or someone who I met at a junkyard." Blake laugh and I can't help but laugh too.

"I don't even know anymore about you." I was a little serious.

"I don't know either River. If I did maybe I wouldn't be making awful decisions that I do but I can't help it." He rolls his ocean blue eyes and laughs.

"Blake can I ask you something?"


"Did you ever think about me? Like after you left?" I ask.

"Yea, I'll have to admit I thought about you a lot more than I would like to say." He looks down, embarrassed.

He grabs the back of his neck and looks at me. For a moment, I was paralyzed in his gaze. He looked as if he was locked into mine as well. Then I look away.

"Why do you do that?" Blake asks.

"What?" I look back at him.

"Why do you look away like that?"

"I don't know. It felt strange."

"But you always do that." He looks at me curious. "It's fine I was just wandering."

I look around and see the sun falling from the sky. Once again the sky was being painted by the colors of the wind. The sun was golden and beautiful.

"What do you want to do now?" Blake asks.

"I don't know."

"How bout a game of bowling?"

A game of bowling? Was he kidding? I was the boss at bowling. My parents would always take me and I would always win against them. It was amazing, I was a pro.

"I'm warning you now that I'm a champion at that game." I get up and so does he.

"Oh really?" He laughs. "Well so am I."

"Well then, let's do this." We walk out of the field hand in hand.

I jump over the fence and he does too. He puts his hand on my hip again and this time it felt comfortable. Of course nothing can go right when it comes to my luck because here comes Chelsea and her groupies including Olive.

"Olive..." I whisper.

Blake looks down at me, as if he heard me. They come closer and I know they want to start something up. All I wanted to do was play a game of bowling, not deal with idiots.

"Hey Blakey."

"Chelsea I really don't want to talk to you."

"Oh is that because you just got done with your roll in the hay with River?" Chelsea snickers.

"Chelsea why do you have to do this? Me and River are not like that."

"Oh so now you're an item?" Olive growls.

"Olive, I lied." I say.

Everyone looked towards me and I hated it. Now I was gonna have to tell them. It was no strange accident that me and Blake hang out. I take Blake's hand off of my hip and walk towards the group.

"I lied about not knowing Blake." Chelsea look at me as her eyebrow raised. "I'm sorry Olive but knew him way back in elementary and we were really good friends."

"Oh so you were a bad girl." She takes her pointer finger and taps the tip of my nose. "Even then."

"Chelsea it's not like that! Even if it was, how would you know without spying on us? Besides if we were like that River would be getting way more action than you." Blake walks away.

I had to smile. He was so arrogant and cocky I couldn't help but laugh a little. I knew he was smiling as he walked away. The girls couldn't do anything but gasp.

Then I knew something was wrong. Olive has a glare at me. I look at her confused. She walks towards me. The next thing I know her hand is in my peripheral and slaps my face. It burns, bad. I cup it as I bend down.

"That's what you get for knowing that I had a crush on Blake and still being with him!" Olive yells.

"Yea Olive! Show her who's boss!" Chelsea yells.

Olive glares at me and I wanted to curl up into a ball in a corner. My cheek still hurts and with how hard she hit I was probably gonna have a bruise. Then Olive pushes me onto the ground.

All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain as she stomps on me with her high heels. Over and over again it's like a knife on a rampage. I try to fight back and make it stop but she turns me over and does it to my back so I couldn't. I scream at the pain she is causing.

"This is why you get for being a gay, emo, evil, Blake f*cker!" She screams.

My vision is getting blurry.

My voice doesn't work.

My skin feels as if needles are being punched into me.

I hear all the girls laughing.

Then I feel it all stop. I don't feel the pain anymore. I hear shouts as someone shoved Olive off of me. I see Blake turn me onto my back and pick me up bridal style. Then I se Olive on the ground crying.

I wish I would've never got involved.

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