Chapter 6

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There weren't that many words said in his truck. I just stared out the window and stayed silent, like I do on the bus. He drove with his eyes looking towards the road and hands on the steering wheel. We approached my street but he didn't turn. I immediately noticed.

"Blake you missed my road. It was back there." I finally look at him.

"I know." He continues to drive.

"But I thought you were taking me home?" I asked.

"I am, but what's a little ice cream on the way?"

I smile. He knew my weakness. I loved ice cream, it was my favorite thing in the world. I look at him and laugh. He looks over at me and smiled.

"What do you say? Ice cream or not?"

"I don't have any money on me Blake." Total buzzkill of the moment.

"I do, I'll pay for you."


"River, this is the least I can do." He looks at me and I knew I wasn't gonna win this fight.

"Okay, to the ice cream parlor I guess." I laugh.

We drove to the ice cream parlor and got out of his rusty truck. The parlor was a cute little thing. Kind of old too. It was made of wood and had a red roof. On a sign in big red lights it said Heavenly Delights and there was a light up ice cream cone. There was chairs and tables out side where you could eat and talk with your family as I have many times before.

It was a happy little place and it was my favorite to get ice cream. It was family owned and my dad knew the owner so on holidays we got free ice cream. That's when we would always go because my dad was not a cheapo but he didn't want to spend money if he didn't have to.

As I exit the truck, Blake immediately put his hand on my hip. I noticed the gesture but shrugged it off. We entered the parlor and I wanted to melt.

Siting right all round a table were a group of really popular girls the kind that fonder over Blake. Around another table was a group of popular dudes that Blake also hangs out with. They all stared at us as we walked by and up to the counter. I look back and they were giving each other all looks and I wanted to run right then and there.

"Blake I don't think we should be here." I whisper.

"We're fine River." He looks at me.

"But everyone is staring." I hated this.

"They're not gonna do anything, we belong here as much as they do."

"Not together."

"River, they aren't gonna do anything. The most horrible thing that could happen is a little jealousy." He shrugs.

We get up to the counter. The lady was really nice as we ordered cookie dough and superman ice cream cones. Everyone was still staring and it had also gotten very quiet. Then I hear one of them get up. It was a girl I didn't recognize and she started walking towards us.

She wasn't gonna do anything. I told myself.

She wasn't gonna do anything. she keeps walking closer.

She wasn't gonna do anything. She was right next to us.

She was gonna do something. I tell myself as she starts to speak.

"Hey Blake." She says as we both got our cones.

"Hey Chelsea." Blake turns us around.

"I see your with her." She glares at me with emerald eyes.

"I see your with them." He points to the groups of guys.

"Oh no, that was a coincidence." She laugh an annoying high pitched laugh.

I put my head down in shame. I did not belong here, never will. Blake pulls me closer with his hand making me feel a little better.

"Anyway what are you guys doing here?" Chelsea asks.

"Just gettin some ice cream same as you." He says.

"I guess I'll have some too." Chelsea grabs my cookie cough ice cream cone.

Before either Blake or I could react she took a big lick and dropped it on the ground. Everyone started to laugh.

"Oops I didn't mean that." She laughs.

"Chelsea! What was that for?!" Blake yells.

"Oh Blakey she wasn't gonna have some anyway." I stare at the cone on the ground.

Everyone is still laughing at me. I look at Blake and make my decision. I sprinted out of the parlor and onto the street. I wanted to scream. I didn't belong here I knew to never come. My eyes water up but I push back the tears.

Get yourself together! You've been bullied your whole life and yet this is what makes you cry? Get yourself figured out!

I started to run down the street towards my house. I don't even want to look back to see if Blake followed me. Probably not. He's probably making out with that girl by now. Saying how good she was getting me out of the picture. I wonder if he knew that they were all there. Waiting for us. The wind picked up and my jacket whipped behind me as I ran.

I get to my house at the end of my street and get inside. I lock the door and run up to my room. I open that door and slam it shut. I slide on the door. I put my head in my elbows but I don't cry, I just sit there waiting for sleep to take over. And finally it does letting me go into a horrible nightmare.

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