Chapter 33

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I was really sore getting up the next morning. Slowly getting off from my side of the hospital bed I crept to the door. It was like 6 in the morning, I was gonna have to go back home soon.

"River?" Damien slowly wakes up.

"Hey, Damien. I gotta get going, school's gonna start soon."

"Okay, come here for a second." I walk over and he kisses me on my lips. "There, for good luck."

We both smile and I walk out the door. It was really hard to do because my legs were so sore from last night. I smile as I thought of our time together. Maybe it was wrong to do it with Damien but man... It gave me a good feeling. I was happy to go to school, but just to get back to him.

I walk to my house and get changed, after a shower. My mom gives me a weird look as I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Honey I went up to your room last night and I didn't see you there." My mom says.

I froze. What was gonna be my story this time? How was I gonna convince an FBI secret agent?

"Well I got out of my bed for awhile and sat outside, it was hot in my room." I tell her as she hands me a bowl of Cheerios.

"Oh, okay. I was just worried when I didn't see you there." She shrugs.

"How's Dad doing?" I ask.

"Not good, but I'm sure he'll get better soon." She whispers the next part. "He has to..."

I eat my cereal and hop on the bus. Damien wasn't gonna be here for awhile so I sat in our empty seat. I thought about my decision last night. Was it a good idea? Probably not. Was it a fun idea? Yes. I put in a pair of my headphones in my ears and turned up some music. I block out all of the other noise, not that there was much.

Some I get to school and I hop off the bus. Blake comes walking over and I wished he didn't.

"Hey." He says.

"Oh hey." I try to sound chipper.

"How are you?"

"Pretty good."

"Did you get enough sleep last night."

"Ehh, I don't sleep much." I lie. "How are you?"

"Pretty good, there's a new girl."

"What's her name?"


"Do you know her?" Suspecting he does.

"Kinda, she went to my old school." He shrugs.

"Oh, well that's cool." I shrug as well and walk into the building.

"River!" I turn to see Daisy and the gang.

"Hey guys." I say.

"How Damien?" Aiden asks.

"He's... Good, I'm sure he'll be back to school in no time."

"What did you guys do last night?" Daisy asks.

"We watched movies. I didn't get much sleep because the couch was hard as a rock." I yawn.

"I'm thinking that's not the only thing that got hard last night." Edith coughs.

"What?" I ask her.

"Oh nothing I'm just glad Damien is getting better." She laughs.

"What did you guys do after you left the hospital?" I ask them.

"Not much videos games." Carter admits.

"Sleep." Daisy says.

We all nod to that. I wish I had gotten more sleep, I'm worried that I'm gonna fall asleep in one of my classes. I could already tell there was black rings around my eyes.

"We'll see you all later, I'm heading to class." I start to walk away.

"Hey I'll come with you." Carter yells.

I slow my pace for him to catch up. We walk to our lockers and I put in my combination.

"Soooo, what did you and Damien really do last night?" He nudges me on the shoulder.

"We watched movies last night Carter. I told you that." I give him a look.

"Yea I'm sure that all you saw." He snickers.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well the gang doesn't believe that you guys watched movies." He pauses. "With you being a girl and him being, well Damien."

"Carter!" I wanted to smack him. "That's no such thing! I would never... Ewww!"

Carter burst out laughing. I really wanted to smack him. Carter almost falls over as he continues to laugh.

"I-I guess... Boys... Still have.... Cooties." He's practically almost on the floor.

"No, they just have dïçkś." I simply say to him and shut my locker as I walk away.

"River... Wait!" He's still laughing. "I'm coming with you."

He quickly pulls himself together, grabs his stuff and runs up to me. I shake my head. He's impossible. I head over to my first period at sit at my spot. Turns out the new girl is in this class because Blake chose to sit by her. I didn't really care in just was interesting.

"Hello class, take your seats so we can get started." The teacher says.

I sit in my seat, I yawned. There was no way I'm making this class without falling asleep. If not now, the next one.

Lunch was good, but our school makes terrible food so it was... Decent. The gang sits at the table at we start to chat. It was weird not having Damien by my side. He always would sit by me. Nothing too crucial was said so I blocked most of it out.


I kept eating.

"Riiver." I hear but don't pay attention.

"River!" It was up to a yell now.

"What?" I ask.

"Who are you taking to the homecoming dance?" Edith asks me.

"I dunno, I might not even go. Dancing not really my thing." I shrug.

"Hey that's cool, if everyone's not going we can hang out that night." Aiden says.

"Yea sounds good." Carter agreed.

We all eat our food and head to next class. Hopefully the rest of the day will be easy so that I can take a nap after school.

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