Chapter 29

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🌺River's POV🌺

"Well, River come with me. Your time is up." Damien walks over to Trevor and punches him.

He nods towards Blake but he doesn't respond. Blake just stares at me.

"Wait Damien." I look towards him and then walked towards Blake.

"Blake I'm sorry. I should've probably listened to you."

"No River, I don't want to talk to you." I hug him.

"Blake..." My voice cracks.

"River no." He wants to pull away.

"Blake... He hurt me." I start to cry.


"He wanted to do things... And he touched me."


"I'm sorry, I just didn't want him to hurt me. I don't want you to hurt me."

"River I'm never gonna hurt you. I will never ever hurt you." Blake hugs me back.

"Help Blake, I'm in a bad place." I look at his blue eyes.

"River, go with your friends, be free. Little bird." I gave him a look of confusion.

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"I know a lot of things, but now you need to be with your friends." He pulls away from me.

"But Blake... I haven't been right to you. I've hurt you." I look up at him.

"It's okay River. Go. You need to finish the night." He looks at me then at Trevor.

"Are you gonna be okay?" I ask.

"Yea I'll go home and finish some homework." He shrugs and smiles.

With that I walk and step out of the window and onto the tree. Everyone looks at me with curiousness.

"What happened?" Aiden asked.

"Well she technically did it, even if Damien did run in there." Daisy commented.

"Yea whatever." Aiden says.

"It's okay Aiden, I'm not gonna make you do anything." I laugh.

He humorously wipes the fake swear off his face. We all laugh and run back to the junk yard. I couldn't help but think about Blake. He would do anything for me, but did I condition him to do that? Was Trevor right? Questions zoom through my head as we run. My brain starts to hurt.

"You okay?" Carter asked me.

"Yea just thinking."

"That's man kinds killer." He sighs.

"I guess so." We sit on a couple of cars in a semi-ish looking circle.

"Okay Carter you're turn." Damien says.

"Crushes, what is everyone's? I thought it would be interesting to ask."

"Well... Mine is Beyoncé. She's great." Edith smiles.

We all kind of laugh. It was funny to us I guess.

"I'm not sure who mine is, maybe Trevor. He's hot." Daisy smiles and I have to give her a sad look. "What's wrong?"

"Daisy, Trevor is not a nice guy." I say slowly.

"I know, it's just a silly crush." She whispers and smiles.

"Aiden? Yours?" I ask him.

"You little mama." He chuckles. "Actually hmmm. Maybe that girl Olive, she seems pretty cool. Kind of clingy though." I cough on air.

"You alright?" Damien comes over and holds my shoulders.

"Yea, just shocked that's all." I mutter.

"Do you know her?" Aiden looks at me curiously.

"Yea, well I did know her. Before some things happened." I look at the ground.

"What's yours Carter?" Daisy asks.

"Well, ummm." He looks to her. "I don't think I have one."

"You gotta be kidding me." I say.

"You have to have at least someone." Aiden says.

"Well, I mean." Carter looks to me.

I knew what he was saying. Daisy. Daisy was his, of course he never was gonna admit it. I wouldn't either. Daisy was right there after all.

"Well then, River?" Edith looked at me and I blush a bit.

"I don't have one either." Damien looks at me strange.

"Wait not even Blake?" He asks.

"No, I love Blake. There is no crush there." I admit.

"Well then." Edith groans.

"That's cool actually, it's amazing that in high school that you have that kind of bonding with him." Daisy shrugs.

"What about you Damien, got a special lady?" Aiden asks him.

"Well, uhh. No, not really, I'm not really the type to date, uhh people." He shrugs awkwardly .

"Boring..." Edith whines. "Damien you like someone, just say a name."

"I don't have one." Damien says.

"Damien, this game isn't lie or dare tell the truth." I smile at him.

He looks at me with... Sadness? I couldn't tell. He gets up and starts to walk away.

"Damien what the hëll? Where are you going?" I yell.

"Somewhere!" He yells back.

I look to the group and they all shrug. Maybe this happens a lot.

"River... Damien would be what you call a... Oh what is the word? A more of a distant kind of person." Edith says.

"Though these runnings started when..." Daisy starts.

"We don't need to talk about it!" Carter says.

"What do you guys mean?" I ask.

"Damien doesn't just leave the group like that... He started the night of your ritual." Carter mumbles.

"Why?" My curiosity was really gonna kill me.

"River... It's hard to explain. Damien doesn't connect to people, so the fact that he brought you to our table was astonishing to us." Carter explains.

"Yea me and Daisy talked about it in the next class. We both thought it was strange. You kinda have to be a special kind of person to be here." Edith takes her hand and does an outwards motion with them.

A special kind of person.

"I'm gonna go after him, I'll be back." I leave the group and start to walk in the direction that Damien left in.

It was getting very dark because the way Damien went there was no lights. I was almost walking blindly into the darkness.

"Damien! Damien! Where is he?" I keep walking.

I wonder if I'm even going the right way. I take a couple of rights and a couple of lefts. I'm sure I'm lost now. The roads are very broken down here. They haven't been drove on in years though. My feet make an echoing noise because there isn't much in here.

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