Chapter 37

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We get to the dance fashionably late. Everyone I knew from school was there, it was a little frightening. My head started to spin.

"Damien..." I almost lose my balance.

"River are you okay?" Damien holds me.

"Yea I'm fine, it's okay." I gather my strength.

I walk in with my my chin held high. Damien looks at me worried but I don't acknowledge it. Tonight was gonna be full of fun and excitement. Not me suffering probably a disease. Songs after songs come on of me and Damien dancing. Turns out he's not that bad of a dancer, in fact he's pretty good.

Let It Go comes on and everyone screams it at the top of their lungs. We all do the Macarena and the Whip. With everyone in dresses and nice pants we all dance. When a slow dance comes on Damien grabs my arm and we become close. He takes me across the dance floor as we step to the rhythm. More pop songs come on and Damien offers to get me a drink.

I walk around seeing all the people having a good time, except Blake. He's sitting in a corner all by himself. I walk over and he kisses my wrist.

"Hello Ms. Beautiful, you're looking nice tonight." He says.

"Hello Mr. Handsome, what are you doing all alone?" I ask.

"Well I came here with a couple of friends who didn't have dates to hangout, but you know they found their princesses." He shrugs.

"That's... Messed up." We both laugh.

"Where's your date?" He looks at me with those blue eyes I've missed.

"Damien? Oh he's getting me a drink." I shrug and let out a little laugh.

"When did you guys get together?" Blake asked and leans against the wall.

"Oh, a couple of weeks ago..." Was it really that short ago?

"Oh, I see..." Blake looks down at the covered in confetti floor.

"Blake is everything okay?"

"Yea, just got bad feelings about that guy River. Maybe I'm just the jealous ex." He lets out a little laugh.

"Blake..." I start but someone grabs my arm.

"River, come on another good song is coming on." Damien hands me my drink and pulls me away.

I take a sip and look at Blake. His eyes are filled with sadness and worry. I follow Damien though, maybe it's because there was a different side to Blake that I knew. That I had experienced first hand. The side that was dangerous to anyone who was close to him.

Damien gives me a spin and I forget all of my worries. He leans me down and grabs a quick kiss before coming back up. I smile. I grab his black jacket as he pulls me up close.

"How are you doing?" Damien asks as another pop song comes on.

"Good, just... Nauseous." I say as I almost fall to the floor.

"River." Damien quietly yells as he pulls me off the ground.

My eyesight goes black. This happens way too much for me to be comfortable.

When I wake I feel the silkiest bedsheets ever. I sit up still a little woozy, and take in the scene. Most of the room was red. The lights were dimmed down and I was laying on a queen, no a king sized bed. The windows shoes no light through them so it must've been late. There was candles that were lit along one of the dressers.

Damien was sitting in one of the chairs reading a magazine. His face lifts up at the sound of me.

"Hey." He says.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"Oh I ordered a hotel for us. I wasn't sure who your family would react if I had dropped you off at your house unconscious." He gets up and comes over to the bed.

"What happened?"

"I'm not for sure but when we went dancing you started to get dizzy and passed out cold. Maybe I spun you too hard." He looks down at the ground.

"No, I'm sure it's not that." I didn't want him to think it was his fault.

He climbs up on the bed and straddle me. We start to kiss. I was too tired for this to go any further. He was gonna be mad.

"Damien, I can't tonight." I push him away.

"Why?" He traces my outline.

"Because I just woke up from being passed out. I'm tired and this dress is tight. I just want to go to bed."

"River but tonight is supposed..."

"Damien I said no, please." I try to push him off more.

"River, you're so selfish." He mutters.

"What?" I look at him astonished.

"Apparently we can only be together when it's convenient for you. Never when it's convenient for me."

"What are you talking about?" Was I being selfish?

"At the hospital I was sick and yet we still did it because you wanted to." He looks at me with daggers.

Maybe I was being selfish. What he's saying is ringing true. But I did it for good intentions. I... I was selfish.

"I'm sorry Damien. I should've realized that." I look down.

"It okay my little bird." He cups my cheek. "You can just make it up to me."

"But..." He lifts his eyebrow. "Damien... I'm still tired."

I knew I was being selfish, I didn't like it but the same time I don't know if I could take him. My whole being starts to shake.

"Fine, I see how it is." He gets off the bed.

"Where are you going?" I say.

"Home, it's not like you would care. You don't care about me." Damien looks down as he gets near the doorway.

I get up and run to him. I was still a little shaky so it was a miracle I could.

"Damien I didn't say..."

"Yes but you meant it." He looks back at me with anger.

Bitterness was like venom in his voice. It told me to back off but he was gonna leave me here all alone.

"Don't leave me alone Damien, please." I whisper.

Damien grabs my chin and lift my head up.

"Well, you should've cared more I guess." He takes his hand away and leaves.

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