Chapter 19

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We were out of school now. I started to go to the buses but Blake grabs my arm and leads me into the field. I stand there just waiting for him to say some stupid remark.

"I'm sorry." He looks at me with sincerity.

It took me a little by surprise actually. I thought he was gonna scold me some more.


"I know River, I know. My grip was too tight. I need to let loose. It's just that they don't seem right." He looks at me.

"That's because all you've ever surrounded yourself with was double d breasts and muscles the sizes of buildings. If you would let your eyes see more than that, you would see that they are not unnatural." I sigh.

"I know. Just don't get into too much trouble tonight okay? For my sake please?" Sadness is clearly in his eyes.

"Okay Blake." We hug each other and I run to the buses.

The bus takes me home and I walk in. Immediately I sense something is wrong.

"Mom? Dad?" I yell.

No one seems to be home. They must be working late tonight making my job way easier of sneaking out. I make myself a snack and head into my room. My room wasn't that big, it fit my dresser and my bed. I had a couple celebrity posters hanging on the walls and some paintings that I have done.

I didn't have that much homework but I should probably study a little for the test Monday. It was like 6 now and my parents came knocking on my door.

"Sweetie how are you doing?" My dad asks.

"Good just studying."

"Can I come in?"


My dad opens my door and walks in. He seems different now. His skin was pale white from just walking. His eyes are not as bright as usual. He comes and sits on my bed and gets relaxed.

"What are you stu-" He starts but has a hacking fit.

"Dad what's wrong?" I ask.

"Oh just developed the flu, at least that's what they are telling me." He was always superstitious of doctors.

I laugh. I remember all the jokes my dad would tell me not to go to the doctors. Maybe it was just a mans thing but he didn't like going. My mom seemed to talk me for every sneezed I've ever had. Always so nervous. That's how my parents worked though. They were complete opposites but yet seemed to have everything worked out.



"I'm sorry about how you met Blake." I sigh. "I should've told you guys."

"It's fine, he seems like a nice kid. I wouldn't mind him being with my little girl any day." He laughs.

In which caused more coughing. I smiled. Not at my father's pain but at his humor. He was a funny guy.

"Do you like him River?" My dad looks at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you love him?" My father looks into my eyes.

"I don't know." I sigh. "He's confusing."

"How so?"

"Very controlling when he's angry. He gets angry and jealous easily too. I don't know, maybe it's me."

"Sounds like him." My dad grabs my hand and holds it up to my heart.

"Honey I'm sure you'll figure it out. And hey you know what? If Blake isn't the right guy for you that's okay too. You'll go through a lot of heart breaks sweetheart and only your heart can tell you the right one." He smiles.

"Are you saying that I should leave him?" I ask.

"No, what I am saying is that if you do I'll always be here for you. No matter what." He laughs. "Your mother is bound to have dinner by now, I think it's steak tonight."

We walk out of my room just as Mom yells for us. Indeed it was steak with mushrooms and baked potatoes. I gobbled most of it down, I knew it was gonna be a long night. Then conversations peaked.

"How was your first day back sweetie?" My mom asks.

"Good, I made a lot of new friends." I smile at the thought.

"Well that's good, maybe you should have a couple over sometime with that boyfriend of yours." She smirks.

"Mom!" I yell. "He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend of mine."

"A friend with benefits?" She winks at me.

"No ewww!!" I almost had to get up from the table.

"Honey calm down you're mother is only joking." My father lets out a chuckle.

"River I'm just saying that you seemed to have gotten close to that boy." I knew she meant well.

"I'm sorry for exploding it's just that you would not believe the rumors that have gone around me and him." I admit.

"Oh I'm sure there are plenty to choose from. Will you help me clear off the table?" Everyone was done with their plates and I nodded my head.

My mom walks to the sink and gets it running. I grab everyone's plate and hand them to her for her to put them in the dishwasher. My dad goes back downstairs, probably to sleep. After I help Mom do that I go into my room and catch a few winks of sleep. I don't know how tonight is gonna go but hopefully I can pass the ritual.

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