Chapter 26

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🔥Blake's POV🔥

I sat there for a second after the bell rang but then got up and exited the room. What were we becoming? Enemies? No, I'd like to think not. Schools over yet I don't leave. I walk down the hall to the last door on the right. Ms. Darlin opens the door when I knock.

"Hey." I say.

"Oh hello, Blake right?" She asks me.

"Yea, can I come in?" I ask her.

"Yea of course, I am a teacher after all." She lets me in. "What do you need Blake? After school help?"

"Uhh no actually I need advice." She looks at me quizzically.

"What kind?" She walks over to her desk and picks up a pile of papers and moves them to a file.

"Well, girl advice." I tell her.

"Uhh Blake I don't know if I'm the best person for this..." She starts but I cut her off.

"There's a girl that I thought we were more than friends but she goes and bungee jumps off the drandon bridge."

"Oh." Her eyes are huge.

"Well she's okay now but I yelled at her for not being careful because she had fallen, the rope had broke. Then she yelled at me because she was with her friends and how she needs more friends, the only problem is that all of her friends are delinquents."

"Well that's a doozy Blake. Personally I would just apologize." She looks at me.


She comes closer and sits on one of the desks across from where I was standing. I sit on the desk nearest to me. Her legs swing a little, kind of like a child.

"Because Blake, you don't love this girl because of her friends do you? You love her for her. And I'm sure that if I listened to the girl's story there would be a whole other side the consider but I'm only gonna get yours. So I would apologize." Ms. Darlin shrugs.

"But her 'friends' are the ones who dared her to jump." I tell her.

"Well than that's her decision, that's her life. She gets to choose if she wants you in the picture or not. Same with you, what if she flipped out over your friends? You would stick by their side."

"But we were friends before any of this." I mutter.

Water builds up in my eyes. I couldn't stop it because they were for the girl I had known forever.

"Blake don't cry, it's just a girl that you know in high school. You'll meet plenty of people in you're lifetime and to think that if everyone meets their true love in school then that would make life crazy. You have some much of your life left that people will pass and go and maybe this girl will be one of them that you have to let go."

"No, I will talk to her. I will make things better." I tell Ms. Darlin.

"Okay, if you need anything just come here and we can talk about it." She gets up from the desk and goes to her desk with piles of papers on.

"Bye, thank you Miss Darlin." I waver her goodbye.

"Good bye Blake, see you tomorrow." I exit the room as she starts to grade tests.

🌺River's POV🌺

I leave the classroom as soon as I can. Leaving him behind. Say sorry to him?! Was that a pathetic joke? He's the one who flipped out! Whatever, I'm gonna go hang out with the gang  in a couple of weeks at 11. That'll take my mind off of him. Damien walks up to me.

"Hey." He says.

"Oh hey Damien, you came out of nowhere." I smile at him. "Do you happen to know what we are doing the night we will hang again?"

"I think it's truth or dare, not like the ritual though. Just as friends." He smiles.

"That sounds like fun." I look ahead to see where I am going.

"Yea it should be." He fixes his glasses.

"Maybe you'll get a girlfriend if someone dares you." We both laugh.

"I doubt it. I've told you River that I don't live up to my name." He continues to laugh at the joke though.

"Whatever." We got to the lunch line and pick up our food.

"Hey gang." I say the the table.

"Hey little bird." Adrien says as he pats a seat for me to sit in.

I walk over to him and sit down. I feel his arm go around my shoulders but I don't mind. It felt right to be here. Like my own little family from home.

"So what are we doing next hang out? Damien said regular truth or dare but I thought I would ask." I say.

"We will be playing truth or dare. It'll be a lot of fun especially for learning new things about you." Daisy practically yells with her big voice.

"Okay, sounds cool." I shrug.

Everyone continues to eat in peace. Little talk happens when a group of teenagers gobble down food. Today's meal was meatloaf, I didn't really care for it so I drank my milk and ate my apple. Lunch was soon over and we all exited to all of our different classes.

After school I rode the bus home worried about asking for a ride from Blake. Haven't really heard from him since first period. He must've took my message to heart. I hope I didn't ruin our relationship or whatever we had. When I get home I flop on my bed and turn up my music and take a nap.

2 weeks past and me and Blake don't even talk, tonight's the night the gang gets together. We've been bonding a lot at the table, I can't help but look at Blake every so often. I ride the bus home once more and work on homework till dinner then hang out with the family. Until they think I'm going to bed then I take a quick nap in preparedness.

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