Chapter 1

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11th grade. 17, it was my 17th birthday right before school started. I was happy for school to start. My family gathered around me, mother father, Blake... Wait Blake?!

I woke up from my horrible dream. I mean some of it was true, I was 16, I was in the 11 grade. But I was not happy to go back, who would be? No one wants to wake everyday at 6.

My bags were all packed to go. I was wearing just a pair of jeans and a long sleeved grey shirt. It was still summer but I wasn't really into shorts. I went downstairs for breakfast.

"Honey can you please put on something different than grey and black?" My mother hands me a plate as she scolds me.

"Fine I'll go put on something else." I walk back upstairs into my room.

I look in my closet only to find black and grey. There was one single low cut white shirt, I put it on and walk towards my drawer. Knowing my mother she will probably want me to wear shorts. I grab a pair of high rise pink shorts. Tucking in my white shirt I walk downstairs.

"Much better, honestly I didn't think you had any color in your closet." Mom says.

"This is about it." I sigh.

I was an only child in my family of three. My mother was going to have another one but had a miscarriage and decided one was enough. It was still heartbreaking though, she cried a lot after that. My dad walks in and grabs his plate of food.

"Hi Dad." I say.

"Hello River, how are you?" My dad smiles.

I'm not really sure how Mom and Dad got together. I heard stories that my dad was the most popular boy in the school, and my mother was the opposite. But somehow they managed to stay together. Dad would always got picked on about him choosing Mom though, all the girls were jealous of her. Pretty much a whole lot of drama in my eyes.

"I'm pretty good. You?"

My father sighs and run a his beard. He had black thinning hair with brown eyes. He was a bigger dude but partially that's because he sits in an office all day. He's really tall and most of my non existent friends are scared of him, I don't know why though. I mean he weight lifted in high school so he's got a bit of muscle.

"Lots of work and papers to keep track of that's all." My father starts to eat.

"Honey I do worry about you in that office." My mother says.

My mother on the opposite end was a dirty blonde with blue eyes. She was a smaller build, so she was a little short. She did only one sport in high school, track. And she was good at it. Everyone always wondered why she never went to state or anything. But now she has troubles breathing because of how she used to run. Not too bad or fatal or anything it's just a little harder for her.

"Ahh don't be, I'll be fine." My father demolishes the rest of his food.

"Mom don't be a worry wart." I laugh.

And I was a little mixture of both. I had black hair like my father but blue eyes like my mother. They say I look like a starry night over the water. I wasn't too tall, 5'6. I was built smaller like my mom so I was what people considered skinny. But I had pretty good sized boobs and hips so whatever.

"Oh I try not to be." My mother smirks.

"I gotta catch the bus but I'll see you all later." I walk out the door and to my bus stop.

Nobody I really talked to went to my bus stop, then again I didn't really talk to anyone. Well except for Olive but she talks to me not the other way around. The bus comes to pick us up to take us to nine months of total imprisonment. I don't think I was mentally ready for all of this but nobody seemed to care. I sat I alone for the whole ride which was nice.

Our school must've been 100 years old. Made of all brick the school was covered in vines. I had different sections and cut ins from the outside to form the rooms. All sorts of people were walking into the school. Popular, nerds, jocks, science nerds, the cheerleaders and couples. I wanted to crinkle into a ball and never come out.

I exit the bus and Olive walks over looking really excited. She was a blonde with green eyes and did cheerleading after school. Actually she was pretty up there on the popular scale. Me, I was probably on the way bottom.

"Hi!" Olive hugs me very uncomfortably.

"Hello." I yawn.

"Well look at you, looking cute kid." She smiles.

"Thanks, but I was forced to." I look at all the kids around us.

"I can't believe we are in 10th grade already! It's insane." Some girl said.

"Well it's a lot less than I thought it was going to be." One of the jocks say.

"Are you ready for all the projects? Maybe I'll get a cute girl as my partner." I think his name was Curtis was saying to the another geek.

"So what have you done all summer." Olive says behind me.

"Oh you know the usual, Netflix." I sigh.

"That's all you did all summer?" Olive looked at me astonished.

"What else is summer for then binge watching supernatural?" I look at her like it's obvious.

"What's that?" Olive looks at me confused.

"Oh my goodness, I'll show it to you later." I keep looking around at all of the people.

"Who's that?" Olive points to a boy and I have to hold in my gasp.

It was Blake Darion his freaking self. And he was gorgeous.

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