Chapter 35

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I go to school for a few more weeks. Homecoming was soon. I wanted to take Damien if he was feeling better by then. They were gonna keep him awhile just to make sure he was okay. It was pretty late as I sit there on his lap. He smiles at me.

"What do you want to do now?" His pointer finger dips into my shorts by my hip.

"Damien..." I threaten.

"What?" He smiles as he teases.

"Damien..." I say it louder.

"You don't like this?" He puts his whole hand in the front my shorts.

"Damien!" I say as he messages me in a place I'd rather not say.

"Oh yes, River."

"Damien stop! " I pull his hand out of my pants.

He pouts playfully.

"Okay, okay. Grouchy pants." He smiles slightly.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. "When are they gonna take evict you out of here?"

"Hopefully soon. I want to get out of here." He shrugs.

"I hope too." I smile and look into his playful eyes.

I liked being with him. He made me happy. I dunno maybe it's just the fact I'm a teen and have way too many hormones for my own good. Young love is what the old people call it. Some people say that you shouldn't even date in high school. I never got that.

"Well, then... Way do you wanna do now my princess?" He asks.

"Hmmm." I think. "Got any board games?"

"Maybe, there might be some in that cabinet." He points to a wooden cabinet.

I hop off his lap and walk towards it. My hand reached out for the knob and I open the cabinet. There was Sorry, Candyland, Skip-Bo, and Uno. I wave my hand in front of the games showing Damien the selection.

"What shall we play?" I say in a high class voice.

"Maybe a couple games of Candyland? I haven't played that game in forever." Damien shrugs.

"Okay we'll play it then." I grab the game and set it up on one of the breakfast tables he gets in the mornings.

"So, how was your day?"

"Good I guess." I shrug.

"Well mine was great, got a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner so I'm pretty satisfied." He smiles.

"Hey I wanted to ask you something." I say.

"Shoot." His eyes look at mine.

"Would you want to go to the homecoming dance with me? It's only days away and it would be a pleasure of mine to be your date." I smile.

"I dunno, I'm not the dancing type." He moves his player.

"So is that a no?" I move my player as well.

"No, I would still go it's just that I'm telling you I am not a good dancer." I smile at him.

"They all say that." I laugh.

"Well it's true, I'm more of a... Test taking kind of guy." He smiles.

We both laugh. His dimples show through it. I stare at them with awe. Damien notices.

"What's the deal? Gotta problem?" He asks.

"No, I'm staring at your flaws." I say. "Your dimples, your one little crooked tooth, your glasses, the calluses on your hands... Everything about you."

"Are you getting... Horny?" He asks me as I have my hands up his shirt.

"No, it's your skin. It's so soft." I say as I feel his stomach and chest.

They weren't flat like Blake's but they were human, and that's all that mattered to me. He mattered to me.

"Hmm, hmm I'm sure that's it." He laughs.

"No really though, why is your skin soft?"

"I dunno, I thought everyone's skin was soft." He shrugs and moves his player once more.

I take my hands out of his shirt. He smiles at me. I cup his cheek and kiss him. Taking over him. He recedes immediately.

"Your so potent..." He says as a break enters. "So powerful against me."

I laugh. I move the game away so I can get closer. My torso is against his chest now. I feel his body heat against my skin. I just wanted to lay on his chest forever and never get up.

"Damien, why do you do this to me?" I whine.

"I don't know." He simply replied.

"You make me want you, even Blake did not have this power over me." Damien chuckles.

"Blake had different ways, I'm sure. You guys had a connection as kids yea? Well he used that to his advantage." He kisses me more.

We pull away knowing this couldn't go any farther without soreness in the morning. I smile at him. We laugh for a second.

"We are crazy aren't we? Totally insane I'm sure of it." I laugh.

"No, you're just madly in love." At first I chuckle at his words.

"Maybe I am." I slowly say.

Realization hits me. Love is a mysterious thing indeed but if you don't grip it at its throat and threaten to choke it then it will never work for you. You need to take charge of your life. And if right now love is part of your life then you need to understand what it means. I think to myself sometimes and that of what if I didn't have the people I do now?

What would happen to me? What would happen to my being? Wreckage. That's what with happen to my soul and heart without love.

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