Chapter 7

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We were back at the parlor. We had gotten our ice cream and Chelsea still walked up to us. But it felt different. When she dropped my ice cream everyone was laughing, including Blake. I looked up at him to see his eyes watering form laughing so hard. He gave Chelsea a high five.

I stood there in shock not moving. I thought Blake was on my side. Now he was just another bully. But that wasn't like Blake, he didn't act like this. Blake lets go of my hips and points at me.

"This is what you get for forgetting me." His voice got serious.

"But Blake I didn't forget you!" I yell.

"Yes you did River! You forgot me and left me all alone. It's all your fault! It's your fault!" He screams.

"Blake I didn't leave. You did. You left me all alone and scared."

Suddenly Blake gets transported and do I. We are at the playground that we played at so many years ago. He glares at me but something isn't right. Standing beside him are 10 year old him and me pointing at me. They both are crying while Blake reassures them. I couldn't move again.

"Don't worry it's okay, it was all her fault." Blake looks at me.

Then I see little Blake turn towards me with a bruise on his face that I threatened with him so long ago.

"She let me fall!" Little Blake yells.

"No Blake. I told you to stop playing so you wouldn't fall." I try to step closer.

He takes a step back in fear. Real Blake looks at me, he's angry.

"How could you let this happen?" He asks.

"I didn't Blake! Trust me I didn't."

"You didn't trust me back at the parlor. You thought that they would hurt you and that's why they did. I told you everything was going to be okay but you didn't trust me!"

The problem was that he was right. I didn't trust Blake, and it showed. It showed that I was scared, that why they did what they did. I couldn't argue with the facts.

"No! I do trust you! You were my best friend!" I yell as I wake up.

I was in my bed. My parents must've moved me. I look over at the clock and it's the time I usually wake up for school. I get dressed in a school spirit shirt and grab my jacket. I walk downstairs and my parents are sitting at the table looking worried.

As I walk down the looks at me. I walk towards the cub boards to grab a bowl. The I grab the box of Honey Circles and pour it in. I grab the milk from the fridge and sit down at the table after I pour it. On my way to the table I grab a spoon.

"Hey." I look up at my parents.

"Hi... Honey." My mother looks at me worried.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I ask them.

They look at each other. What were they talking about? I'm so confused.

"Honey we heard you last night. You came barging into the house and went straight to your room. Are you feeling okay?" My dad asks.

"Yea Dad I'm fine, just missed my bus and was really tired."

They look at each other again. I'm not sure why they were so worried about me. Nothing was wrong, well maybe something was but it didn't matter.

"We've also been hearing you talk in your sleep River. Do you know a boy named Blake?" My mom asks.

"Yea, he goes to my school."

"Do you talk to him?"


"Oh, okay." My mom and dad both look at each other again.

"Why, are you guys worried or something?" I let out a little laugh.

"Well no it's just that you came home really late, we were just curious." Everything went back to sorta normal.

But then all of a sudden I got that feeling again around my parents. Like something was wrong.

"Mom, Dad what's going on?" I ask.

"Nothing." They both say at the same time.

"Obviously there is just spill it." I say.

"Well we thought that... We thought that, that Blake boy touched you."

Before I could even register what my mom had even said my father starts to speak.

"We thought this because you were whimpering when we opened your door to say goodnight." My dad asks. "Honey did he touch you anywhere to where you felt uncomfortable? We need you to tell us just incase we need to file a report."

"Mom! Dad! That's gross! Ugh no he didn't 'touch me' I barely even know him! You guys are just assuming." I yell.

"Did he scare you into not telling us baby?" Mom ask.

"Mom I'm fine. Nobody is ever gonna touch me where I don't want them to. I promise." I tell them.

"Okay honey we believe you." They smile at me.

Everything was okay after that. I asked them how they're days went. They both said pretty good. Dad is still stressed out and Mom is doing okay. I told them that I'm getting used to school. They seemed happy about that. After breakfast I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I feared I was gonna miss my bus getting to school. But I managed to make it.

Onto another day of torture. Hopefully this one will go better than yesterday. Knowing my luck though, it won't.

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