Chapter 10- good byes-

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Nialls pov- where've been in Australia for 2 months now, and were all had our highs and lows in this country, like for example one of my highs is meeting December rose, and a low she hurt my teeth, but the biggest low is the fact that I had to say good bye to her today.

(Flashback) I knock on Decembers door, and she answered it looking like she just got out of bed .

"Hi Niall, what's up?"

"Um I'm going home, like back to London home, and. Just wanted to say goodbye"

I started tearing up and next thing I know I'm crying into her shoulder,

"It's all right Niall, I'm sure we will meet again"

"I sure hope so"

I gave her a kiss on the lips and with out another word left. (Flashback over)

S yeah right now I'm sitting on a plane, all I can think about is her, oh December rose, if only I could stay longer. I started to doze off and next thing I know....

"Niall!!" Harry yelled

"What what's wrong are we gonna crash!!!!"

"I'm joking bud, I just wanted to ask did you even get that girls number?"

I went to reach for my phone, but pulled out nothing,

"Oh shit, this is bad, I left my phone with her!!!!"

My day can't get any better can it! 1st- I have to say good bye to the girl I'm in love with, 2nd I thought the plane was going to crash, And 3rd I leave my phone with her, my only way of contacting her is left behind with her, ugh. I grabbed Harry's pillow and put it up to my face, whilst screaming as hard as I can into it.

I suddenly feel tired again after all the screaming and crying and decide to go to sleep.

(Skip sleep)

Nope it wasn't a dream, I woke up hoping to find my self in the apartment in Australia, with December rose hanging out with us, but no it didn't happen.

(A/n) woah I haven't write one of these in a while laught out loud, stupid auto correct, well what do you guys think is going to happen? Oh and sorry for the short chapter, it's just Im kinda in class, laught out loud, again stupid auto correct. Bye guys.

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