Chapter 1 New times my family has a marrige new enemys pt 2

Start from the beginning

"Why did the door have to be open." "So it's easier to Pry them out. I know your wife is in there she's safe."It wasn't working. The groom noticed it was useless. "Come this isn't gonna work lets get you guys down the stairs." I followed him to the stairs but the gap seemed to big to jump. I knew I could jump it but what about them.

"Guys I'm gonna stand on the edge and you guys are gonna run by me jump and I'm gonna push you. I went through tossing 40 people. Still no Lara. Last it was the groom. I tossed him then I jumped. We saw the door to the second floor was melted shut so I kicked it down same for the third and second floor. We made it then I ran around the third and second floor getting everyone out. Some people lot on fire on the third floor and jumped out the window. We heard the screams and the thump splat of them hitting the ground. We ran down to the first floor. Saw a flag pole and broke it in half. Me and the groom pulled at the doors we got it open enough to stick the flagpole in and open it up the rest of the way. They were all crying. "Thank you your our savior." "That's why my names Salvator savior in Latin.

But it wasn't all me it was also your husband who helped." She kissed him I smiled. Everyone darted out of the building. "Sal aren't you coming. Get out!" "No there's something and someone I need to get." The door collapsed. Scratch that as an exit. I ran and jumped up the stairs all the way to the fifth floor. I stood out side the door and saw Luna and Lara.

Lara was wear the same thing as Luna but her color scheme was purple and black with a purple and black leather jacket. They were fighting these ten guys they weren't doing so well. The guy who set the church a lit was just chilling in the back. I tossed a rock luna noticed me.

She said in sign language what are you doing here. I said in sign language flip him over here. She shrugged. One of them punch at her but she turned grabbed his arm and tossed him. I walked out adjusted my stance to the trajectory he was flung.

Punched my arm out and locked my elbow, wrists and shoulder in the same instance. His neck slammed into my arm and it snapped as his body slid across the ground. Lara tossed me a gun. I caught it pointed the gun to his heart and pulled the trigger. A hole right through his heart. "Heiro finally a challenge." "Oh I see. I'm Salvator and who are you?"

"I'm Mortem Devastatio soon you can call me abomination." I ran up to him I jabbed him six times in a row with each arm. He guarded it all. Then  I threw a right hook, he caught it and flipped me. I got my balance and land on my feet then slammed him. He jumped up punched me I dodged and tried to flip him but he reversed it. I hit the ground kinda hard. "Argh!"

I bounced back up. I jumped and I double kicked him in the stomach and stuck the landing. "Your skill is even better then what I heard." I wrapped my hands around his head kneed him in the stomach then threw him down into the floor. "Aw yes now let's see about your strength." I punched him as he was getting up he caught it and was bending my arm back and put me on my knees, it hurt. I heard a voice. "Let me take the wheel."

I felt his power. "Sure lets kick his ass." My eye color changed to red my my arms, legs, chest and abs bulked up. Three giant red tails sprouted from my tail bone. I stood back up and directly punched him in the chest. His chest caved in. He was regenerating he stood up good as new. "Let's dance." "Oh Heiro I plan on doing more then dancing."

He tried punching me but with this new found power I dodged it all. I used the gun and shot all of the other guys. "Ten down one to go. And don't hurt yourself." Lara and Luna were surprised their eyes widened. He wave his hand and blew me away. Luna and Lara ran to him and he did the same to the both of them. We were powerless. "See I purposely gave Heiro the upper hand to test out how strong he was. Then he caught me off guard when the famous Zar gave him strength and then transformed him.

I'm 2000 years old I'm a werewolf, a vampire and a witch that can absorb magic." Lara and Luna looked at him in terror. He let me down. "Now your gonna watch
As I kill your friends and then steel your powers as an Irregular." I walked to a bench and sat. If I were Heiro what would I do. I stood up and smirked. "Excalibur explode!" "Now how do you plan on doing that if you sword isn't here."

My smirk grew in to a devilish grin. An explosion appeared in front of me.

I punched my fist in and pulled out the Excalibur

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I punched my fist in and pulled out the Excalibur. "Excalibur Full Power Explosion!" The explosion blew off the rooftop, fifth floor and part of the forth floor. The fire engulfed the man and blew him away as half of a burnt person. "What was his name again?" Luna looked at me with big eyes. I went back to normal the tails went away.

"Excalibur watch mode." The Excalibur turned into two watches that weighed 35 pounds each. Her eyes were watery. "Heiro? But how?" "I don't know. But no I can't remember everything I only remember a portion. Luna I remember how much I love you but just because you remember love doesn't mean you feel it. Plus without the memories of the moments that cause those emotions I won't love you as I did. But right now I don't know but I Salvator love you, your amazing and you look even sexier in these clothes."

She wiped her eyes. "Heiro after 2 and a half years I still...hate the way you make things so scientific, and I still love you I won't forget you so..." "I won't forget that when I get my memories back and that I'll do for you. Oh and don't think I forgot about you Lara you have a crap ton of explaining to do." "Yes but first we have to get of the building." "Ok how do we do that we'll break our legs and splat." "Yeah!" "I kind of want my legs yeah Luna. "Sal hand me a gun!"

Luna tossed her a pistol. She the aimed it at my leg and pulled the trigger. Bang! A gaping hole in my leg. "Ow! Argh! Ahh! What was that for." "Look at your leg." I looked at my leg the hole was slowly closing, it was regenerating! "First holy crap I totally forgot about that. Next what kinda gun puts a hole this size in my leg but is that small." "500 magnum." "Cool so you guys ready." "Ready when you are Heiro." "Oh I'm no Heiro. I freaking Salvator lets do this."

We nodded. Then we jumped off as far as we could towards the forest. That's when my life changed my life completely for the...well let's just stick with it changed my life completely.

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