Chapter 5 - Serena's Contest debut!

Start from the beginning

While she's looking a poliwag appears behind her wearing Serena's tiara. Poliwag bounces into her leg causing her to look at it.

"You found my Tiara!" A girl with brown hair appears next to Poliwag.

"Is this your Poliwag?"

"Yes actually. You dropped it a bit back."

"Thanks you so much! What's your name?" Serena looks up at the girl and sees a familiar face. "LEAF?!"

"Oh so it is you Serena! How've you been?"

"I've been fine! What about you?"

"It's actually been amazing!"

"Leaf please make your way to the stage."

"That's me! I'll see you in a bit Serena."

"Have fun Leaf!"

"Looks like I'm going against Leaf." Serena thinks to herself.

"Please welcome From not so far Pallet town, Leaf to the stage!"

Ash stares at the stage in surprise when his friend Leaf showed up.

"Ash? Are you ok?" Brock asks.

"Yea I am.... She started her journey the same day I did. She's also my friend."

"Well that must be surprising." Misty adds.

"Trust me it is."

"So your trying Contests then?" Serena's mom asks

"That's right mom!"

"Now where'd you get that beautiful dress?"

"Well.... Actually Ash did!" Serena's face turns a little pink.

"Oh I see..... Maybe he feels the same way about you? Maybe?"



"Serena Yvonne make your way to the stage!"

"Bye mom! It's my turn! Watch me please!"

"Of course honey!" Serena's mom disappears from the screen and Serena runs towards the stage.

"Last but not least, also hailing from Pallet town, Please welcome Serena Yvonne!!"

"Yea! Go Serena!" Ash shouts.

Serena appears on stage. "Butterfree! It's your time to shine!" Serena throws a Pokeball. It opens revealing hearts and a butterfly Pokemon.

"Stun spore!" Butterfree releases its yellow spores into the air.

"Spin and fly through it using gust!" The butterfly Pokemon spins and fly's through the spores sending them across the stage. Some exploding creating fireworks.

"Now sleep powder!" The purple spores appear and connect with the yellow balls. They all become sparkles as Serena bows.

"That was incredible!"


"Very creative way to use Butterfree."

The judges all finish and Serena walks off the stage.

"Now that the first round in the Kanto regions first Pokemon contest has come to a close we now move onto the second round!"

Serena is standing with Charla next to her praying she did it.

"Pay attention to the screen! These 4 contestants will be moving onto the finals!"

"Here we go..." Ash says

The Journey Begins - The Kanto Arc (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now