Chapter 2 - Emergency

Start from the beginning

"We're almost there though!"

"Yea... Yea your right."

The two and Charla start jogging.

They run and see officer Jenny

"Officer Jenny!!" Ash and Serena yell. "We need help! Pikachu is in a bad condition!"

"Oh my! What happened to Pikachu!?"

"No time to explain! Where's the Pokemon center!?"

"I'll take you there! Cmon!"

The trainers hop into officer Jenny's car she uses only in the city.

They are driven to the Pokemon center. Ash and Serena hop out thanking Jenny and rush inside.

"Nurse Joy! Help my Pikachu please!"

Joy sees the Pikachu and gasps. "Chansey! Get a stretcher!"

A Chansey appears and puts Pikachu on a stretcher running with Nurse Joy to start working on him.

Serena was breathing a lot heavier then Ash was. Her eyes were darting around the room.

"Serena!? Are you ok!?" Ash shouts.

"Char!? Charmander!?" Charla says worriedly.

"My head.... It hurts.... I'm dizzy....." She responds. Serena falls backwards only to be caught be Ash.

"You need to sit down!" Ash says alarmed as he helps Serena to a chair.

"Will you be alright here while I go call our parents?"

"Mhm.... I'll be fine..."

Just then Nurse Joy comes back out without the two Pokemon.

"Well your Pikachu is almost fully recovered.... But." Joy sees Serena. "Oh my! Are you ok miss?"

"Yea... Just dizzy."

"Oh well I have some fast acting medicine you can have!"

"Really? Thank you!"

Nurse joy gives her some liquid medicine. Serena takes it and feels the dizziness go away almost immediately.

Ash was already talking to Professor Oak.

"That's some story Ash! Say? Where's Serena?"

"Oh she's uhhhh...."

"I'm right here Professor!" Serena shouts coming up next to Ash

"Ah there you are! Ash here was just telling me how you two saw a large bird.

"Mhm. Here I have a picture." Serena holds up a picture from her pokedex. The professors eyes open wide.

"Y-you saw Ho-oh?!"

"Who?" Ash and Serena ask.

"A legendary Pokemon! Researchers spend a life time trying to see it!"

"Wow!" Me and Serena shout.

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