You gave one last death glare to the smirking Kokuzo before chasing after Akio. The white haired man looked proud of himself, he seemed to enjoy stirring up trouble.

Akio turned a corner, you had trouble keeping up with him but you could tell where he was going. He was determined to find his little sister, you didn't even know how true that was, his 'little sister'. It didn't seem to matter though.

Akio turned another corner, he was a lot faster than you, maybe her knew some of Riko's Magic too? You dismissed the thought, you had to stop pretending you didn't know things about them.

Suddenly Akio came to a stop, he panted and looked around frustratedly. There were three turnings, Akira could of gone down any of them. You caught up with him also panting from the sudden expected run. He didn't pay any attention to you.

You placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to get his attention so that maybe he could rationalise things.

"Where did she go?" He asked nobody in particular.

"Calm down for a minute," you told him, although that clearly wasn't happening. "Do think she might of gone back to where we're staying?"

"No," he impatiently rubbed his forehead and walked around in circles, "she wouldn't want to, besides I doubt she'd know the way," 

"Akio please," you put one hand on his arm. He flinched a little, bringing himself to his senses a little bit, but was still panicked.

"Yeah, sorry," he picked at his nails, a bad habit you got out of years ago.

"Where do you think she might go?" You managed to get him to sit down on the low stone wall at the turning.

You too were worried about Akira; but you also believed, and knew, she could look after herself.

"I don't know," he shook his head, "she hates when someone points that out, damn, why did I tell Kokuzo in the first place!" He seemed frustrated.

You looked at him, not really knowing what expression to give him, pity? Confusion? Surprisingly he noticed this and sighed.

"Akira's only my half sister, my mums but not my dads," he looked up at the slowly turning orange sun.

"Oh," you were curious, "what happened?" It was a sincere questions, you wanted to calm him down a little though.

He looked at you, wondering why you were asking probably.

"When I was little my dad ran a guild, he taught me magic too, but our guild was destroyed and everything went to shit," he kept it brief, "let's say my mum found a new line of work, thanks to my dad, he made her. He wasn't the best person."

You waited for him to continue, he wasn't sure whether he was going too or just assume you'd got the point.

"Then my mum had Akira, my dad hated her though, she wasn't his child, I basically raised her. But when Akira was six he said he'd get her to do the same thing as my mum. So I ran away, with Akira obviously. I should of done that a lot earlier though," he'd seemed to calm down a little. Although he shared very little eye contact, he didn't look at you at all.

There was clearly more to that story, but he wasn't telling you. You didn't expect him too.

"Marie told me about this older brother of yours," he put one leg up on the wall and leaned his arm against it. "I believed that he existed, I'd like to think if I disappeared Akira would do the same."

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