Chapter 3: Memories and Surprises

Start from the beginning

"Pika!"Pikachu said

"Lets get back and meet others so we can go home early"Gary said as walk back where Serena and the others are

"Lets get going then" I hear my Mom said pointing at us

Serena's POV

"Well Im going to heal my Pokemon"Ash said before walking towards Nurse Joy

"Well I want to get my Pokemon a check-up to"Gary said following Ash

"So Serena. You and Ash will have a .... Date?"Delia ask

"Well yeah.. Kinda"I said blushing

"Will you admit your feelings towards him?"She ask

"Well I was going to think about it. What if Ash doesnt like me back?"I said

"I know that Ash likes you Serena. Sometimes, I see him blush when his with you"Delia said

"Well why dont we get going. I mean if you to will have a Date.. We should get their before 1:00 so you two can spend each time together"Prof said

"Lets get going then"Delia said pointing to Ash and Gary.

"Ok then"I said

When we got outside we remember something.. I sweatdropped as I ask

"Are we going to walk?"I sweatdropped

"Nope! Im your service"Someone said

"Leaf?!"Ash and Gary said before they walk to the girl I mean Leaf

Wait... I remember that name. They talk for awhile and I see Ash laughing as he high five with Leaf. You can say that Im pretty jealous.*sigh*

"So your already here Leaf. Lets get going then"Prof. Oak said

"Yep! Oh, who is she?"Leaf ask.

"Im Serena"I said

"Wait.. Serena... Oh my Arceus! Serena is that really you?!"Leaf said hugging me

It makes sense now shes Leaf from Summer Camp! Shes my bestfriend way back then!

"Yes Leaf. I thought you wont remember her"Ash said

"Of course I dont! Shes my childhoooooood bestfriend!!! Right Serena?"Leaf said

"Of course!"I said as we high five
"Uhm sorry to interupt your reunion. But we should get going now"Delia said

"Yeah right"We sweatdropped

I see many Pokemons that I never seen before. I took my national PokeDex that Prof. Sycamore gave to me and Ash. As I see many pokemon flying, walking, running and even swimming across the river and lakes, I took my pokedex out and scan them so I can know them better.

"Were here!"Leaf said parking outside a house and I read the sign

"Prof. Oak's Lab" It said

"This is the Lab?"I ask

"Of course"Prof. Oak said as he open the front door

"This lab is simple not like other labs that I saw in our journey. I honestly like the design Prof. Oak. Amazing"I said as I wonder around

"Well I didnt design this. Actually Ash, Gary and Leaf design this when they are little. Of course their drawing is a little bit,"Oak said

"Ugly? You we know"Ash sweatdropped

"So the designers make some touch on the design to make it perfect"Delia finished

"Serena want to see my other Pokemons?"Ash ask

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