Chapter 3: Photographer

Start from the beginning

"Well?! What was that all about?" Leah asked. She's is a very impatient person when she wants to.

Andre wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the side of her temple, "We were talking to our basketball coach over there. Remember when both Andrew and I tried out? Well, there was the sheet of who made it on the team. Obviously, Andrew was on the list because he has a full-time scholarship playing here." Andre lightly chuckled, "Even though I did not get a scholarship I did get a spot on the team."

"That's great!" Leah leans in and given Andre a kiss on the lips. Oh, young love.

Andrew cleared his throat, "I see people starting to line up. I'll catch up with you guys later."

Andre kissed Leah, "If any guy flirts with telling them you have a boyfriend," The boys were off to their line.

In the letter we each gotten for orientation, they gave us instructions to line up with our programs. We will get a tour, information session and a glimpse of a class we may have our classes in. I'm excited and curious about what my college life will unfold. I will have classes without Andrew and there will be no drama!

Leah looked down at the orientation program sheet and squealed, "Our lines are right next to each other!" She linked arms with mine and dragged me to where we were supposed to line up. The boys shrugged their shoulders and left to go to their line.

We walk past the sculpture that says, LOVE. "Alex we have to take a picture here!" Leah let go of my hand and made her way in front of the LOVE sculpture. "Take out your phone!"

I was about to take out my phone when Leah ran over and grabbed my phone out of my hand, "Hey! What was that for!"

She began looking around, "You need to be in the picture too,"

I tried grabbing my phone but she was trying to dodge me. Why is she so worked up about getting a photo? With my phone!!

"I need a photo of us! It is a tradition with every freshman to take a photo with their roommate, or friend in front of the LOVE sculpture." She explains, still trying to look around like she is looking for someone...

"Can't we just do this later?" I asked. I just want to go to orientation then go back to my bed, I checked my watch on my wrist, "Besides we are running late.."

Out of the blue, a guy with brown hair, which seems to be gelled in place, he has his backpack slung on the side of his shoulder. "Hey, you!" Leah yelled out to the guy. He turns towards our direction. He pointed at his chest. "Yes, you!" Leah yelled at him.

I ran my fingers through my hair; can't she just leave people alone? Anywhere we go, Leah needs a photo with us then she bothers strangers who walk past by us to take our photo.

"I'm sorry but if you are on your way to orientation then please go your merry way! You wouldn't want to be bothered with us crazy people," I said to the guy Leah called over.

Leah crossed her arms, "I want a picture in front of the LOVE statue!" She cried out.

I rolled my eyes, "We can get it later with the guys!"

"I don't want a picture with the guys! I want a picture of my best friend!" She yelled out waving her hands in the air.

The random guy began to chuckle, "Ladies, or should I say children?"

Both Leah and I turn towards the stranger who was still standing in front of us, having a smile on his face; believing we are the most hilarious girls on earth.

Maybe we are but who knows!

"Thank you for coming over but it's fine. We should be going," I grabbed Leah's wrist.

I was about to start dragging her towards our lines when the guy said, "Wait! I don't mind taking your photo."

Leah yanked her wrist out of my grasp then began to jump in place while squealing like a mouse. "Seriously?! Thank you so much!"

She tosses her phone to the guy who agreed to take our picture (bad idea by the way). Leah dragged my body towards the LOVE statue. "Pose Alex!"

I rolled my eyes and plastered a fake smile on my lips, "Fine, say torture!"

The picture was taken, "You girls are pretty photogenic," he told us.

Leah grabbed the phone out of his hands then gasp. "What are you talking about photogenic?! I look hideous!!"

I glance over Leah's shoulder and gaze over the photo. I couldn't help but laugh, "It is a really nice photo,"

She swiftly turns around, "How can you say this is a good photo?! We're not even posing over smiling!"

She was right. Her arms were in the air, mouth wide open yelling at me. While I had my arms crossed and my eyes were in a mid-roll. "The photo explains our friendship so well," I commented.

Leah huffed. "Fine, I'll wait until later on. I know Andre can take a better picture of us." Leah began to walk away.

I turn my attention to the random guy who was standing in front of me. "Thanks for taking our picture by the way."

He slid his hands into his jean pockets. "No problem. I like taking photos."

"That's good... Umm... By the way, what's your name? You already know mine and Leah's from all the argument we just had. Sorry about that." I ran my fingers through my hair. Letting a few strands fall near my face.

"No problem. Besides the bickering, you both seem pretty cool. I'll see you around." He brought his backpack closer to his shoulder and waltz away.

Leah came running down and quickly grabbed my arm, "It started and you're here talking to-- where did he go?"

I was confused, "Where did who go?"

"The guy!! Photography guy!!" Leah frantically began looking around the area we were in for the guy who took our photo.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know,"

She threw her hands in the air, "You don't know?? How could you lose a guy just like that? Wait?! Did you tell him something weird? Because you tend to do that a lot. We told you not to..."

Leah's rant was soon distant to my ears. I was wondering who the guy was and what program he is majoring in. Only if I could find him but how?

He didn't tell me his name.

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