There's A Way (DenNor) (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

For a day Mattias had been asleep till he woke up to a pounding headache, that only worsened when the others had begun cheering and congratulating him on waking up.  His father soon requested to be left alone with his son for a bit.

"So what happened Mattias?"  The king asked.  Mattias tried hard to remember.

"Well, after the bandits came I remember Peggy getting an arrow stuck in her, causing her to run off into the nearby woods, where I think a branch knocked me out.  After that I woke up, apparently a few days later in middle of Frost Forest."

"Frost Forest!"  The king exclaimed.  "How in the world did you get out?"

"Umm... good question."  Mattias said as he struggled to remember.  "I woke up and my head hurt and... Oh!  And a beta by the name of Lukas was helping Peggy!"  Mattias said before getting a dreamy look on his face.  The king raised an eyebrow.

"A beta?  In Frost Forest?"  The king questioned.  Mattias nodded as he hugged a pillow and continued to look about dreamily.

"Yeah... He was so... so perfect."  Mattias said with a dreamy sigh.  "Pale skin that glittered, deep blue eyes, and silky looking pale blond hair...  And his scent... so-"

"Intoxicating?"  The king suggested.  Mattias nodded as he laid back and hugged the pillow.  The king chuckled.

"And so how did you get out of the forest?"  The king asked.

"Lukas led me to this spot where - oh almighty god!"  Mattias cried, trying to get up out of the bed, only to be pushed back by the king.

"Whoa son!  What's wrong?"  The king asked worriedly.

"A troll!"  Mattias exclaimed.  "He was leading me out and a troll popped up and then Lukas stopped me and then showed me what he looked like before I got knocked out by the troll!"  Mattias said, still trying to get off the bed while the king held him down.

"Son, calm down, don't be rash, a troll is nothing to toy with."  The king said sternly.  Mattias nodded but felt restless.

"But Lukas, he's still there!"  Mattias said.

"But perhaps he managed to escape and left the forest."  The king suggested.  Mattias shook his head.

"No, Lukas said he lives in the forest."  Mattias said, sounding like he was panicking.  The king nodded.

"Listen son, I'll send some soldiers to try to find him, while you rest for a few days, alright?"  The king said.  Mattias nodded, hoping a sign would be found.

-------------- End of Flashback ---------------

And that's how Mattias ended up here, waiting by the window for word if they had found the beautiful beta known as Lukas.  And so far, three days into the search and nothing was found.

'I hope he's alright.'  Mattias thought with a sigh as his father walked up to him.  The king placed a hand on Mattias's shoulder, just as Berwald and Tino ran in through the door.

"Your majesty!  We found something!"  Tino yelled as he and Berwald bowed and brought forward a piece of torn cloth.  Mattias took it from Berwald's hand and took a small whiff before grinning and rubbing the cloth to his face.

"That's Lukas's!"  Mattias said happily.  The king took the cloth and gave it a quick whiff.

"It does indeed belong to a beta, and particularly different beta at that."  The king said.  Berwald raised a questioning eyebrow.

"D'ff'r'nt?"  Berwald questioned.  The king nodded.

"Yes different, though how I'm not sure, but I doubt it is bad."  The king said as Mattias swiped the cloth back and began rubbing it against his cheek again.

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