Chapter 4

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We were at the Baldwin Center now, and yes this is the bad part of Baldwin, but that's only at night when they do bad things. Alissa ran to the door, while Kaia and I walked.

"What is up with Alissa's energy? She is usually so lazy, and sleepy." I said.

"She had like 2 Red Bulls in her bag. Drank them both.. I know you're gonna say 'Oh lord Jesus.' " she said. That was what I was going to say too. She knows what I'm going to say all the time, or we just just end up saying it at the same time. We are almost like twins.

We all walked up the stairs and went in the back room with the computer that we always go in. Its like a promethean board. So its huge, but Kaia is always trying to control the computer. Everytime I get on she grabs the mouse.

Guess who go's straight for the computer? Kaia, of coarse. She doesn't even notice that there are a plate of brownies sitting on the table. "Kaia, there's brownies on the table" We all went racing for the brownies, but we didn't even know if they were for us. So I snatch the plate away, and walk out the doors. The first person I see is Noel, our garden expert. We come to the Baldwin Center to help out in the garden. She says she baked the brownies and that they were made for us.

I walked back in and cut the brownies into 3 big pieces, and then took the bigger piece and gave Kaia and Alissa theres. Another lady came in with cookies. She said we could have some and I took 4 because I was going to give some to Aaron. I put my goodies on a plate, and then sat them down. I started texting Aaron right after to make sure he was still coming.

Me: Aaron, meet me by the door.

Him: Why ?

Me: Arent you coming to my house?

Him: Yeah, But I thought you were riding my bus?

Me: You said you wanted to come to the Baldwin Center, to get that job.

Him: Oh yeah, I'll meet you at the door.

Me: I got some cookies for you too :)

Him: Lol , you stupid.

Me: I'm serious.

Him: I'll meet you by the door bae.

Mr. Napear came in and told us that it was almost 3:00, so we were going to get ready to go. I went to the van and we started going back to the school.

(Skip Car Ride)

We got to the school, about 10 minutes until classes got out. Mr. Napear went to go get the boys, and to talk to Ms. Williams while I waited by the door. Here comes that ugly security guard again. She seriously gets on my nerves. Always nagging and nagging, about how I'm never in one place. I'm always roaming around the school though. Only because I feel like it, and i'm not disturbing anybody any way so what's the point of yelling at me?

"Young Lady , what did I tell you about roaming the hallway all the time. I told you if you stay after school, you need to stay in one place." she said.

I wanna cuss this lady out so bad.

"Im here with Mr. Napear, Im waiting for him while he gets the boys."

"And why didnt you go with him?" "Because i'm waiting for my friend to get out of school..."

"Oh no, you gotta go, you can't just mingle in front of the doors."

"My friend is coming with us, that's why im waiting for him, and if you want me to go, I will go wait by his locker."

I started walking away while the lady stayed quite. I walked all the way to the corner, and turned so she wouldn't see me anymore. Aaron's class is down here anyway so I might as well just go in there. He had Mr. Van, which was the art teacher, and I'm one of his best students so he wouldn't even care. When I got to Mr. Vans class I knocked on the door and guess who came and answered it..Alex Moore. Of course he would, he always thinks it's a girl when someone knocks on the door all quite.

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