Chapter 9

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FROM THIS CHAPTER ON JUST IMAGINE EVERYONE SPEAKING KOREAN. I'm writing this story in English but now she is in Korea and she's speaking Korean and so is everyone else -LonneyIsMe 💞

234-37 Hannam-dong Youngsan-gu Seoul, South Korea.

This was my new address for the next two years. I can't believe they decided to move in the start of my Senior year. Why couldn't I just stay with my friends for the rest of my year. I would have came to South Korea if it the end of my senior year, maybe. They wouldn't even let me stay for Coachella. I started walking off the plane, seeing so many Korean faces. I felt so left out since I'm a little different haha. I had been watching k- dramas for years, and started learning Korean while I was in the 9th grade. I was actually pretty good at reading, writing and talking in Korean. I make my way through the giant airport so I can collect my bags. I see my bags slowly come to me as I reach to get the first one I bump into the person next to me. He was much taller than me wearing sunglasses and a bucket hat, he looked really familiar but I don't know from where.

"Sorry." I said while bowing to him. I reach for my bags grabbing them, the last one was extremely heavy, that's why Aaron was carrying it for me. The guy grabbed my bag for me, they really are nice in Korea seriously.

"Thank you." I said again while bowing to him.

"It's fine, I see you're really small." he said while laughing. While he collected his bags and putting them on a cart I tried to figure out who he was. I recognize that voice so well. I looked at him staring him in the eyes. My eyes got wide as I realized who he was.

"OH MY GOSH YOU'RE-" he covered my mouth extremely fast. I guess, he figured out I knew who he was. He grabbed my bags and put them on his cart while grabbing my hand and walking me outside. We walked outside in the cold and got in a car that was waiting for him, he was famous, of coarse he had a car waiting for him. I was surprised there weren't any fans waiting though.

"I'll take you to wherever you're going, what's the address?" he said. I handed him my phone with the address on it and he showed the driver, we left the airport heading to my new house. That sounds great, my new house.

"So what's your name?" he said.

"Alexis, and you don't even have to reply, I know who you are, I'm a huge fan of yours." I replied back. I can't believe I just met him, at the airport, I have to be the luckiest person I've right now.

"I actually saw you on the plane, you must have came from America. You can speak English if you want to but what exactly are you doing in Korea?" he said.

"My parent are big business people and my father just got a big offer from a music company, I don't even remember the name, and it's fine. I need to practice my Korean anyway." I replied to him. What was the name of the company that his group was from? I can't even remember. I should remember, his group was my first and favorite fandom.

"Well, you being from America, you're Korean is really well the only thing that really separates you from everyone else is you're skin tone no offense. It's very common for Korean girls to have a lighter complexion. You're gorgeous the way you are though." he said while winking at me. I'm going to start fangirling over this guy, he's not even my bias but he is still really cute. I laughed and smiled like it was nothing. I bowed and thanked him.

"We're at your house though, and it's pretty awesome. My friends and I just share a house and it's not even this amazing." he said. This was my first time seeing the house also, and indeed it was pretty amazing. I didn't think my parents would go all for this. Our house in America wasn't even this big.
"Would you like to come in, I wouldn't want to be rude and just leave here." 8 said asking him. Why would I ask him that? He's probably busy with his schedule, gosh so stupid.
"I'm actually pretty busy right now, I have to get to our dance studio right now." Of coarse, I knew it.
"I should help you with your bags though. I know you have a lot with you." he said while getting out the car, he ran over to my side to open the door and asked the driver to open the trunk. He was a gentleman too, more reasons for my bias list to get destroyed. We took all my bags to the door and I walked him back to his car.
"Thank you, for all your help, I don't think I would have even made it out the airport without you." I said while laughing.
"Well I'm lucky I was there at the right time." he said back to me. Should I maybe ask for his number? What that be kind of weird? He was flirting with me early.
"Could I possibly have your number? I would like to repay you for all your help." I asked him. I hope he says yes, I have to meet the other members. He took my phone and stored in his number. Swear as soon as I get in this house, I'm going to fangirl.
"Namjoon. That's your real name, I should have known that I'm the president of your fan club." I said quietly. NO. WHY. I looked over at Namjoon laughing in his seat. I face palmed myself in the head. Why would I say that?
"It's ok, just don't be a weird fan that takes pictures of me eating." I laughed and nodded. I once again thanked him for the ride and walked towards the door. I waved at the car as it started pulling off.
I just met Rap Monster of BTS.
Just let that sink in, while I go scream my head off.

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