Chapter 49

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Two weeks later (sorry for skipping)
Jades p.o.v
I had the twins on my lap as we sat on the tour bus "3hours girls!" it. Was 6 am so of course they were all asleep and didnt hear that. I grabbed my laptop. And logged on the twins both pointing at the picture lyla took of me and hap he had his arm wrapped around me while I cuddled into his side. We were laughing at the campfire at Christmas we actually didn't notice her taking the photo till she sent in to me the next day

"Yep that's mummy and daddy" "dddddd" Tyler said. Frankie giggled "dddd dada" my jaw dropped "who's that ?" "Dada!" Frankie said pointing. Tyler looked at her and pointed at the screen aswell "dddd da ddd dada!" I grinned "good babies" I logged on twitter and took a photo of me and the kids I pulled an awkward face and the twins just laughed at their own reflection I smiled before tweeting it

'Just a few more hours then we are their so excited and my bubbas just learned their first word :') #proudmummy'

"Perries still in bed" Jesy sighed "10 minutes!" Bruce called Leigh and Jesy were holding the twins the dancers lyla and her kids were on a bus behind us along with the band and makeup artist I smiled and ran to the bed squealing "perrie wake up wake up" I jumped on her bunk and she groaned "ugh fatty your gonna brake my bed !"

I giggled and rolled off getting changed into my illuminati cut off top and some sweat pants. After putting my shoes on I grabbed my SnapBack putting it on ( ).

I walked out and Leigh giggled "ohh sexy mamma" I. Did a little pose "why thank you" the laughed and I picked up Tyler because Leigh was feeding Frankie

"Okay girls this I what's happening. The mayor of charming knows you's are coming to town so you do a surprise performance. For both high school and primary school students the primary school students will be coming to the high school , so tonight even though you's are in charming you practise the dance moves for move cause you's sometimes forget" I felt the bus stop perrie grabbed Tyler off me Jesy laughe "anything else Bruce cause I think jadey might explode if she has to sit on this bus any longer" he laughed and pressed a button so the door would open "go for it jade"

I ran out of the bus and saw Unser he chuckled "in the garage hun" I. Skipped to the garage and saw tig and chibs working on a bike and hap under the hood of a car The boys smirked and hap sighed "hey tig pass me the wrench" tig handed me a wrench I smiled and walked over "here ya go baby" his head snapped up and he grinned. Picking me up as i wrapped my legs around his waist he smiled "babe". He. Smashed his lips to mine

Haps p.o.v
I set her down and pushed the hair out of her face I shoo my head and kissed her temple "you have no idea how much I missed you" she smiled "I wanna show you somthing" I followed her out of the garage and saw Leigh and perrie holding the twins "who's this" jade said to the kids. They smiled and pointed at me "dada" I smiled "get fucked did they just speak" I grabbed them off the girls and hugged them

"It's good having jade and lyla back" jax said in church we all nodded and jax sighed "but we have to keep all the girls and everyone with them aswell because if ATF go for them shit could go bad" we all nodded and bobby looked at me "you told her clay I dead" I sighed "nah man didn't think it mattered cause I mean she never really spoke to clay" juice nodded "don't bring my cousin in this shit just keep her occupied on the twins her shows and you" I winked at him "oh she will be occupied by me don't you worry". "Ew" juice muttered

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