Chapter 31

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Jade p.o.v

"Jaddeeyy cakes!" Louis called as he walked in the room I was sitting on a double bed the twins laying infront of me I was feeding Frankie a bottle and Tyler was plains with my hand "Lou lou!" he smiled and sat on the edge of the bed "perrie And Zayn went out Jesy Liam went to do sometype of food shopping and Niall Harry and Leigh went to the movies"

he pouted I looked at the kids "hmm okay options we cold go get lunch and go shopping we coluld go to the pool or the beach we could get the prams and go to the park to just chill or stay here and do a twitcam?" Louis grinned at the options "okay I um um. Hmmmmm I choose ....lunch and pools ?" I nodded "done grab one of the twins" he smiled picking up frankie I grabbed Tyler and my phone "lets go!"

"Chicken snitzel burger and some chips" I ordered. The waiter smiled "would you like gravy with that?" I nodded. And Louis ordered "just a steak with some chips and mushroom gravy thanks love" she grinned at Louis clearly she knew who we were "your food will be ready soon" I smiled and sipped my coke Louis smiled "is it hard.. having kids el wants to have kids one day but..." "You don't know if your ready?" I sake and he nodded. I looked at the twins who were asleep in the pram "I didn't think I was ready heck I didn't think hap would ever be ready but he is actually the best dad for my kids and me I love being a mum"

"Louis can we skip the pool and do something else" he shrugged "sure what do you wanna do" I smiled at my kids in the pram "I wanna get a tattoo" his eyes widen "jade you it's there forever" I nodded "I know" "and your boyfriend what will he say cause jade he scares the shit out me I rolled my eyes and scoffed "please he had millions of. Tattoos I'm sure he won't care that I get two little ones done on my wrists" Louis sighed and defeat "you jadey cakes .. your gonna get me killed ... by everyone" I pouted "pweeaseeee" he sighed and grinned "but who dosnt like pissing everyone off now and then" I cheered and done a happy dance "yaaaayyy"

I was half way drought the tattoos so far I had Tyler on one wrist ad Fran on the other just need the kie and I'm done my phone started ringing I checked the caller i.d and grinned answering it

(H-hap j-jade)

H- baby


H-how are you jade , the kids are you safe ?

J-all safe I'm actually with Louis at the moment just had lunch and whatever..

H- I dunno if I like you hanging around him jade

J- well your gonna have to get used to it him and the rest of the 1D boys are a part of mine and the kids life just as much as the sons are

H- them fags and my club are completely different what the fuck is that annoying noise in the background

J-a tattoo j


H-you better not be doing what I think your doing

J-well I am

H-dammit baby .. what are you getting

J-the kids names on my wrist

H-*sighs* at least it's not nothing stupid

J-at least I don't have a bunch of random ass smiley faces

H-baby they mean something ...

J-what do they mean

H-I'll be honest ... each smiley face indicates one person I've killed and I've just gotten another one


H- baby calm down no one ever finds out

J- I dunno if I should say that's a good thing or a bad thing

H-your so innocent baby how'd you get all mixed up with me

J-clearly , and because I love you

H-I'll get juice to set a video chat up tonight love you baby girl make sure that Lewis kid keeps you safe or ill snap his neck

J- his names Louis not Lewis

H-whatever jadey be safe

I looked at Louis and he chuckled "you won the tattoo fight?" I smiled "he love me of course I won so this just means when I come back and get another one he can't say shit" Louis smiled "or ... you could get another one now just to annoy him" I smirked "i like the way you think, he man can I use that sketch pad quickly" that artist smiled "sure babe"

"Done" the guy said I smiled at the tattoo it was a hear monitor. Thing ya know. The bumpy/ pointy line thing that shows your alive.. and in the middle of it. It sad DNA in messy writing before the heart monitor started again I thought it looked cool

(there's sort if an example in this link, your just gonna have to use your imagination kiddos

I took a photo of all my tattoos and put it in a collage and putting it on Instagram and twitter

'Getting tattoos with @louis_tomlinson :D love it even though it hurt a little thank you for taking me Lou !! xxx -jade xx'

Haps p.o.v

"Getting tattoos with Louis Tomlinson love it even though it hurt a little thank you for taking me lou!" juice read out he stopped "hap didn't you say she was just getting the kids names" I nodded and he turned the screen to is. 〰DNA〰 I growled "I'm gonna kill her find out where that tat is on her" juice typed on the computer and a video popped up "man Louis put this up". I watched it

That tat artist had his hands all over jades legs she was wearing high shorts so the tat was far up the video started "jadey does it hurt?" she sucked in a breath and looked at the camera buying her lip "I dunno a little" her British accent rang in my ears the tattoo guy put his Hand up further "watch wear you put your hands mate" that Louis guy said before the video ended I growled "dammit jade"

"Jade just tweeted" juice said. "Read it out" jax snickers. "I know your reading this and I know your angry but guess what I'm not gonna play by your rules baby boy" "your cousin is fucking stubborn" juice smirked "and so are you man perfect match" I rolled my eyes "set up this video chat shit"

Jades face came on the screen "hey!" I glared at her "really jade!" she grinned "I know I know I'm that amazing girlfriend that won't listen"i growled "damn fucking straight!" "Jadey jadey jadey jadey jadey jaaddddeeeyyy" some Irish guy yelled running in. He jumped on the bed "I got nandos me and Harry ditched the others and went and brought it!" Jade hugged him "ahh I've need wanting this all day nialler I love you!". He chuckled "I know I'm amazing" juice smiled "hey dude" nialler or whatever looked at the computer "oh hey juice"

Jade and Niall ate the food while talking to us Niall was actually an alright guy Thank fuck for that. An hour into the conversation I heard a door open "hey do you guys know where my phone charger is" they looked up and jades jaw dropped "oh my god!" She burrows her face into Nialls shoulder and. Niall scrunched his face up "fuck Harry atleast put your pants on your lucky jade is the only girl here at the moment and the others arnt back!".

I growled "jade" she shifted away from Niall and looked at me as Niall continued to yell at some naked fucker. "Yeah?" I looked at jax for permission and he nodded I nodded back. "I'll be in Miami in the morning , don't do anything else fucking stupid. And I swear if I walk in and some naked fucker is walking around ill pull you out of that tour I don't give a fuck!"

She glared at me "really hap really ... when I visit yous I have to put up with sluts walking around the club house hitting on you and all the boys I have to deal with that shit and you nearly know them girls but as soon as I see my friend naked wich I have plenty of times because he likes to be naked , you threaten to get me off my tour , that's low even for you" I glared at her. And I heard a baby start crying. Jade ran a hand though her hair taking a deep breath "Niall go get Frankie for me , hap your pissing me off today you can't control me and you need to understand that" with that she hung up

"That was intense" tig said from across the bar I sighed "juice get me a plane ticket , jax call you call your mum up tell her I need the ring today" jax grinned "sure brother"

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