Chapter 17

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Jades p.o.v

"Ready set go" perrie shouted as me and Leigh Anne spun around in office chairs to see ho could do the most spins "18..19..20...........30...35..36" Jesy stopped counting as I got of the chair and ran into the sound board laughing "ahhh jade" "shh the world is spinning"

I waited to stop being dizzy and I sat up. Gemma Tara and the kids I groaned an laid back down on the floor "I'm busy " "well we thought we would take you to lunch". I shrugged "I've got an album to record" honestly I don't wanna see them "2 hour brake girls go home get in something comfy we are gonna be here all night" "can I bring hatchi!" perrie asked I sighed. Dammit

"Jade wear your onesie with meeee" perrie asked as we walked in our flat , Zayn was at practise "okay, Gemma Tara kids foods in the kitchen help yourself" "jade come here" Gemma demanded I walked over and she sighed

"what did you write in that note" I looked at her and sighed "I told him it was a mistake coming to charming while I was in California it was a mistake keeping in contact with him and If I didn't do that. Happy would leave me alone just other stuff like that" she glared at me

"you are the only one that boy has he is sitting in a hospital won't talk to the doctors won't talk to the club the only time he talked was when he had a go at hap yesterday blaming him for everything and yet you can sit here in your nice famous life and do whatever you want". "Hey I worked hard for what I got I didn't become a singer over night had to practise for years!"

She glared at me "hap wants to talk to you" she said holding up a phone to me. I noticed that whoever was on the other side if the line just heard everything "I don't wanna talk to him!" she put it on loudspeaker "please jade" his voice pleaded my heart skipped a beat but I need to stay strong "no I'm not cut out for the club life I'm a singer I'm in a bAnd and if none of yous an understand that my work comes first then I can't get along with yous "

"Jade I need you I .. I love you" he whimpered ... how does a big guy in a motorbike club who is in charge of killing everyone. Have a heart "hap..." "jade. Please just listen. I don't wanna go back to croweatters like you said Two tried to hit on me last night I pushed them away it wasn't the same jade I don't want anyone else I want you. I love how you smile , get excited over everything your laugh the way that you love your fans so much how you can stand up for yourself and put me in my place"

I swollowed hard "I've gotta get ready for the studio .. Gemma give him my number ..." I was shocked what am I supposed to say to that !

Happys p.o.v

"Did you get that" Gemma asked as I wrote down jades number "yeah thanks mum" "welcome , kept an eye on all the boys for me " I chuckled "always"

To jade

It's happy ... you know I was telling the truth right?...

From jade

I dunno .. you gotta stop trying to control me and trying to get me away from my friends

To jade

I know but I need you jade...

She didn't reply

I'm going soft for juices baby cousin ... what the fuck is wrong with me !

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