Chapter 38

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Jades p.o.v

"We are getting you to pop up from the stage one at a time jade can you handle it?" Bruce asked. I shrugged we were practising or xfactor finals in the uk and all the contestants were watching us "I could gIve it a go?" he shook his head "hmm no maybe we could umm....". Jesy frowned and looked at me "the dancers we each have one dancer. When we pop out of the stage ... like they could be like ... squating down next to the hole me holding our hand and as we shoot up they can just stand up that way jade won't loose balance"

"Okay on each mmhhmm a different girl pops up and then on the ahhs. Girls you each get on one knee while the boys stand now let's practise the lifts"

"5,6,7,8 perrie!.... 6,7,8 Jesy ....6,7,8 leigh! ...6,7,8 jade!" I heald the dancers hand and shot up jumping little and. Landing safely "woo!". John my dancer cheered "you did it jadey!" I. Grinned and we high fived each other "girls we also need a new hair stylist" Bruce said sighing Jesy grinned "already got one". "Who?" perrie. Pointed "lyla is our hair stylist" "what!?" I smiled "how bout it .. I mean you said you wanted a new job?" she grinned "your serious!" "of course we love you!" Leigh said jumping off stage

'5 minutes juicey go on And watch me and the girls !'

I texted juice and handed my phone to Bruce. "Little mix in positions in 2 minutes!" we all got in a circle , us and the dancers hands in "I don't hear no one singing hey hey hey hey I dong her no one singing hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey" We broke up "brake a leg !" Bruce calle before him and the dancers disappeared "little mix to their lifts !"

"Now the winners of 2011. Xfactor are here to perform please welcome little mix!" as the intro played talking about our success Johns hand appeared grabbed it I looked at Leigh she grinned "good luck jade !" I smiled and the count down started "performing their new single move this is little mix!"

"5,6,7,8 perrie!.... 6,7,8 Jesy ....6,7,8 leigh! ...6,7,8 jade!" I shot up and then when it got to my part I went down on one knee before quickly standing up to sing


Hey baby

Tell me your name

I gotta fever for you

I just can't explain

But there's just one problem

I'm a bit old school

When it comes to lovin'

I ain't chasing you

Been waiting

I'm on a roll

You've got to let yourself go



You know that I've been waiting for you

Don't leave me standing all by myself

Cause I ain't looking at no one else



Get your back off the wall

Don't you get comfortable

Looking so hot

I think that I might fall

Feeling like it's my birthday

Like Christmas day came early

Just what I want

So when we move

You move


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