Chapter 41

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Jades p.o.v 1
I picked Tyler out of his car seat "you feeling better baby boy" hap kissed my temple "baby don't stress. He will be okay" I sighed "hap it scared the shit outta me even more then when the Ira took me". Hap urubbed my arm "it's okay jade they won't get you agian and Ty is all healthy". I poked my tounge out "I'm a mum I worry" he laughed "clearly" he paused and brushed some hair out of my face. "You know I love you" I smiled "I love me too" he rolled his eyes "that's the girl I fell in love with" I smiled "I'm joking, I love you too hap"

I sat at a desk signing things "Hiya" I smiled as a fan walked up "oh my gosh jade your perfect!" I smiled "thanks pet what would you like me to sign" she handed me our new album I smiled writing my name on the album " have a good day" she smiled and walks "hello how are you" I hadn't looked at the fan yet I was focused on hap he was hold bothe kids one was slipping a little I stood up "excuse me for a second love"

I grabbed Frankie "babe really" he frowned "it's tough" I sighed "put Ty in the pram. His already asleep and then feed Frankie" he nodded strapping Tyler in then holding his arms out I pointed at him "don't brake her". He chuckled and started feeding her

"Sorry I was worried about my daughter" the fan smiled "it's totally alright. Oh my god I'm your biggest fan ever" I looked at her little mix. Head band,necklace wrist band ,shirt , nails ect I smiled "I can tell" she giggled and handed me a shirt I signed it quickly 'to our biggest fan ,always follow your dreams xxx-jade' I smiled "have a good day" she smiled and walked over to perrie.

"We are finished" I jumped up on the table dancing to what sounded like Miley Cyrus 23 in the background perrie jumped on the table with me "we are amazing oh yeah!" I gigged a few fans were still around and started filming. The tables we were on were fold up table As I danced around the table started folding I screamed and ran across to Perries table we burst out laughing i jumped up and onto one of the security's backs as they tried picking the table up. Making him fall and makeing me go flying across the room

Everyone laughed as hap helped me to my feet "settle babe" I took a deep breath. Shutting my eyes as I breathed it out I opened my eyes "okay" he kissed my lips "you okay jade" I nodded and jumped on his back. He laughed "when you aloud to leave?" I shrugged"now?"

"Were gonna get the twins home but tommrow my house? Barbecue?" Leigh smiled "definitely" I winked at her "you bring the sausages" she snickered "of course" I burst out laughed "whatever. Dorks. See yous tommrow"

"Happy where's the formula" "kitchen cupboard next to the dog food" I opened the cupboard "hap feed Rex please". "Can't baby I'm elbow deep in baby shit and piss" I rolled my eyes putting four scoops in each bottle and adding water before feeding the dog and. Grabbing the bottles and climbing in the couch as hap walks down with the twins

"Here ya go" he handed me Frankie and grabbed Tyler's bottle off me. J heard a knock at the door "come in" I heard the door open "jadey girl it's andy and mazz" I smiled "lounge room" I gave hap a warning look he pull a gun out of the back of his pants and setting it on the table. I rolled my eyes "does your dick feel bigger now" he laughed at my joke. An the boys walked in andy smiled "oh oh I wanna feed one!" I laughed and handed him Frankie

"whatchas doing?" Andy smirked "you've gone viral baby girl, on twitter at the moment the top three trends are jade falling , little mix fail and reasons why mixers love jade" I heald a hand to my heart "I'm loved" mazz. Laughed and looked at hap "so this is the dad". I smiled "unfortunately". Andy laughed and rolled his eyes "Hey man I'm andy" hap nodded "hap". I sighed "his not much of a talker"

Andy smiled "anyways my burns are healing well Daisy's been a good nurse for me" I laughed "let's just leave it at that" he smirked "I'll spare you the details" mazz laughed "anyways I'm off got a video to film" I nodddd "like always" andy handed me a sleeping frankie "cya babe give us a shout if you need anything"

Haps p.o.v
I grabbed Frankie off jade and put twins to bed when I came back out jade was stareing at the gun she looked at me "why were you carrying" I shrugged "force of habit babe I always carry" she rolled her eyes "oh yeah nice to know remind me never to fight with you , you might blow my face off I mean Jesus hap! What if one of my fans saw it sticking out the back of your pants!"

I growled kicking the table "that's your excuse for everything like fuck you won't move to charming cause of your band I Harley get to see my fiancé or my kids cause of your band I have a gun. What if your fans see it of shit , I can't wear my cut when I come see you cause it's bad publicity for your band and your fans might think differently of you well how do you think they would react if they knew you killed two people in charming!"

A tear rolled down jades face "that was self defence and you know it" she whisperd shit. I really did some damage just then "jade come ere" she shuffled up to me "is that true" I turned my head and saw curly and blondie jade cried into my chest. Blondie eyes landed on the gun on the table. I sighed May aswell tell them if they heard all of that

"When jade was in charming there was a shooting. When no one was at the clubhouse two guys broke in shot chibs and tig. Then went looking for Gemma jade and the twins. Jade put the kids in the bathroom and when the shooters came they shot Gemma so jade grabbed a gun shut her eyes and fired it" their eyes went wide

"wha...what happend" I stroked jades hair "she opened her eyes and stared at the dead bodies didn't talk to any of us for the rest of the day we couldn't even get her out of the room so she at there and watched us clean up the bodies" I noticed that jade was now asleep on my lap I sighed and looked at them

"look blondie and curly you's know I don't like guys hanging out with jade but when I'm gone you's need to protect her untill tonight she had been blocking all that out of her head because she didn't want to believe it but me and her cousin have explained that she saved everyone's lives and protected her kids jades an innocent Girl we all know that".

Blondie nodded "shit man that's we were just comeing to see if you's wanted us to bring anything tommrow cause we were on our way back from the pub" curly nodded "yeah definetly wasn't expecting that" I chuckled "just bring beer and steak tommrow I'm getting jade to bed. This stays between us" the nodded "cya man" blondie said and they were gone

I sighed I'll protect jade at whatever it takes

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