Chapter 6

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"Ello california!" I called into the microphone after we had sung the first three songs screams erupted and I grinned Perrie skipped across the stage "how are you all tonight?" There was "we love our fans and we wouldn't be anywhere without yous" Jesy called We all got into our places as Leigh Anne announced the next song "this song really explains our personalitys we have a lot of fun singing it and it was our first song out , this is ... Wings"

"Goodnight cali!" We called as we ran off stage Perrie squeals "were going to Miami were going to Miami !" We all done little happy dances as we walked to our dressing room "I feel so pumped!" Jesy yelled as we all bolted to the bathrooms to have showers

"Cause you Turned your face & now I can't feel you anymore

Turn your face so now I can't see you anymore

Walk away until you're not standing at my door

Turn your face, Walk away, & stay

Turn your face"

I sang as I walked through the dressing room in my onesie not paying attention I heard a tiny squeal I turned my head and say Ellie ... Juice Gemma and hap aww crap pretty sure I said opie and Ellie "oh ahh hi" I smiled as I walked over to Ellie "did you enjoy the show babe?" She grinned "you's are amazing!" "JADE DID YOU TAKE MY HAIR DRYER" jesy yelled "noo!" Leigh-Anne skipped in "finishing her part of the song I was singing before then she stopped

"Oh hello , did you like the show Ellie" "jade" hap said quietly I looked up and "hi.." He stepped foreword and I stumbled back "jade! Come grab your stuff pet we leave in an hour" I sighed "give me a minute pez"

"Jade I need you your the only real family that has stuck by me" juice said grabbing my hands I looked down "I was nearly killed juice" "but you wernt" Gemma said butting in I looked at him "you could get killed juice" he frowned "other then you baby cuz, that club is all I got I've got no where else to go" I looked at him before hugging him "please promise me you'll be careful" he kissed my cheek "always jadey"

Hap stood forward "jade" I looked at him before pulling him into a hug you saved me yesterday , thank you hap" he smiled slightly "jade promise me you'll come back" I frowned "gee I dunno hap ..." His jaw clenched "please jade." I frowned "maybe, please look after juice for me" he pecked my lips nodded "I will darlin"

Happys p.o.v

I growled as we walked out into the screaming fans "dammit juice I've falling for your sexy famous cousin" "mate I'd tell you to stay away but you'd squash me like a bug but just treat jade right she's my baby cousin" "AAHH HIS RELATED TO JADE!" someone screamed lucky we had our beanies and hoddies on and we weren't wearing or cuts. We ran to the van and waited for Gemma and Ellie to buckle up before speeding away them all talking and me not saying. A word and now that jades gone away from Cali and to Miami it's gonna be strictly club business again ill be normal againa and not worrying about taking her everywhere or getting distracted when she visits juice

Biker and the popstar- little mix fanfic -sons of anarchy fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora