Chapter 13

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Jaded p.o.v

"Juice we are going shopping tomorrow by the way" hap and jax snickered behind us as we walked through the airport "why" "movie premiere tomorrow night for the 1D boys you wanna come" juice shrugged "dunno maybe" "your not going unless juice is going" hap growled I laughed "that's funny , but either way I'm going" We were now in the waiting area I saw a few fans and some paps. Thank god the boys had disguises on

"Jade you aren't going if he isn't end of story". I rolled my eyes as I walked over to the fans "happy. Shut up you'll be on the other side of the world like your gonna be able to stop me, hey girls" I smiled at the fans and started signing things "ill catch the next plane over and bring you. Back to Cali" hap said behind me as I took Agee selfies with some girls. "Jesus hap I'm going end of story" He narrowed his eyes. "Are you jades boyfriend" a girl asked "yes" "no" the girls looked confused I shook my head no "family friend"

"Jade if you go near that faggy boy band ill being your ass back to charming and you can work in the freaking office with Gemma like a good girl" I shook my head "Don't talk about my friends that way" "your not going if juice isn't if those fuckwits touch you ill chop their dicks off"

I heard the girls gasp and I slapped him across the face "watch what you say around my fans idiot , I'm going to the movie and you can't do anything ! juice won't stop me either because ill trick him and plus his my cousin of course his gonna let me do what I want , You don't own me ! go back to the club house fix some cars. Go do 'club business' I don't care what you do but don't talk to me until you apologise to me, and these girls !" I saw flashes going off left right and centre. Happy looked at the girls "sorry for my language" they smiled and said in union. "It's okay" happy looked at me "sorry jade but I sware to god-". "Flight 601 to London" "goodbye hap"

"Jade over here" I looked up as I walked out of the terminal in London "Irish curly what are you's doing here" I hugged them hello and once again I saw flashes but no fans , guess they didn't know. Or they were already lined up for tommorow at the movies "we are all staying at zayn and Perries , Leigh-Anne is their as well but jesy is still sick. You in or out?" I nodded "yeah we will stay , guys this is juice , juice this is Harry and zayn" juice smiled probably happy to be around boys. The half the time of I complained about mine and happys fight so he was probably glade to have different conversation

"I'm here , your lives just got better" I called as I walked into zayns house "jade!" perrie and Leigh squealed We had a group hug and. Ten I hugged zayn , Liam and then. Louis "You okay" Louis asked I nodded "nope" he pulled away from the Hug "what happend" I. Looked down "perrie go on twitter and check one of our fan pages".

Perrie picked up the. Laptop and everyone gathers around the computed the girls gasped and the boys jaws dropped. They were watching a video of mine and happys fight

Juice p.o.v

I smirked as the watched the video I could see me and jax in the background pissing ourselves laughing "wait pause it pause it" jade said then she looked at me "what are you and jax doing ?" I smirked "enjoying the show" she rolled her eyes "I can't believe he did that not only in public but in front of our fans"

"Oi juice. Come into the kitchen we are going to go watch Harry cook dinner and have a few beers while the girls catch up" I shrugged "yeah sure" I followed them and Niall handed me a beer "so what was that fight between your mate and jade about ?" Louis asked I took a sip of the beer "you's" Liam chocked on his drink and looked at me "us ?!" I nodded "hap and jade .... I don't have a clue what's going on between them but I have a feeling soon enough jade will be haps old lady" "old lady?" Louis questioned I frowned "oh um sorry , Jade will probably be his girlfriend soon"

Harry frowned "doesn't explain why the fight was about us" "he dosnt want her to be with other guys" "juice some guy named potter is on the phone sys you were Spose to call him". "Shit hand me the phone".

"Hey" I heard a sigh "juice your supposed to check in!" I frowned "I'm sorry I forgot it won't happen again" he sighed "call back in 3 hours , check in and then check in again in the morning we don't want your club finding out who your daddy is" I gulped "okay okay"

I hung up and looked at jade "jade He was gonna tell" she pulled me in a hug "nothing will happen I will pull some strings. Get him away?" I frowned "no. You can't get involved" "dammit juice look at your neck I already am involved" I sighed "talk later" she sighed and kissed my cheek "I wanna know details"

"What was that about?" zayn questioned. I looked at Louis "you know. What I'm in hey your that chap that picked up jade the day of the shooting?". He nodded "yeah .." I nodded "well if I die I trust you's and my club to look after my baby cousin"

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