Chapter 21 - The Weird Kids

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The weird kids, you will know one when you see one. No one really likes them. Everyone thinks these kids are annoying and stupid but all they really need is friends... and help. Most of them are just misunderstood yet some are just plain rude. They always try to fit in and be cool but it never works. I have even witnessed some guys pretending that they like the weird kid then when they are finally happy, they ditch them. They usually have a disability of some sort, whether it be mental or physical or they just aren't very smart. They are bullied and teased just because they are different from everyone else. Most of them are always in the 'special' class because it's hard for them or learn anything. Choo, choo, here comes the pity train. They don't have friends because no one really wants to be friends with them because they know if they do they will get teased as well. Some of them have anger issues which everyone takes advantage of and when they snap and get angry at everyone, people just laugh. They think it's funny that someone is hating life... I just think it's sad. Sometimes those kids just need someone to help them, to talk to them, to be their friend but no one is going to do that. The only friends they really have are the other weird kids. The other ones who get teased and bullied because they have a disability. Although some weird kids take advantage of their special treatment and have fake anger fits just so they can yell and scream at people. Other weird kids can be actually weird, in a bad way, and can really annoy you. But this is because they have tried being nice in the past and it never got them anywhere so they try everything else to fit in. So if you ever see a weird kid, try and talk to them and if they reject you keep trying. These kids need help and not just educational help, they need your help. Ok I know this chapter was depressing and sad but luckily for you it's the end of the chapter. Forward to the next chapter.

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