Chapter 14 - Puberty

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UGH, not the 'p' word. Nobody likes that word. It always comes up in awkward family reunions when your grandparents pinch your cheeks and tell you how much you've grown. The worst things about puberty are the pimples. Those horrible things that grow on your face and are filled with a disgusting yellow liquid called puss. Gross! I'm pretty sure everyone has the urge to pop them but DON'T! If you pop your pimples it will just make more pimples and will give you pimple scars. Popping pimples is a bad habit to get into SO JUST DON'T DO IT. Don't judge or bully people who have pimples because it's just the way of life. Moving on from this gross topic let's talk about your height. Okay, so for you boys, and possibly girls, you 'will' (hahaha 'Will', hahaha...... you won't understand) grow...eventually...unless you're already massive. Most males in grades 7, 8 and 9 are smaller than the female population (OMG I just sounded really smart). But don't worry, you 'will' grow, and you 'will' become taller than all of the girls... well most of them anyway. Unless of course your whole family is short then you probably won't grow much more because of genetics. A bonus about puberty is how it changes your face! Girls, before puberty, usually have round, baby faces but afterwards they will obtain high cheekbones and a more defined face and jawline. It makes you look so much sexier and older... in a good way, of course. Guys, before puberty, also have baby faces and afterwards they get amaze jawlines and fabulous faces. But warning you now this does not happen to everyone so if you are one of the people that this doesn't happen to, don't worry about it, you are beautiful anyway! But don't always look towards the future, enjoy being young and free. Aww that was a good note to end on. The chapter of the next.

 The chapter of the next

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